Plowing Into 2017: The Top 50 Farming and Agriculture Blogs



Editor’s note: Thank you to all the members of the farming and agriculture community. We appreciate the hard work that you do. If you have any feedback for us, we’d love to hear from you.

Finding the Top Farming and Agriculture Blogs

There are thousands of incredible bloggers who share stories, photos and knowledge about farming and agriculture. LawnStarter’s editorial team scoured the internet to put together a list of winners for LawnStarter’s Top 50 Farming and Agriculture Blogs, taking into account blog posts and other online activity during the previous year.

Winners may display our Golden Tractor Award badge on their blogs. We tried to email each of the winners, but if we missed you, we want to hear from you! Get in contact with us.

Let us know in the comments section about your favorite bloggers who aren’t on our list!

In an effort to remove as much personal bias as possible – we used a few measurements to determine which blogs belong on this list,

1. Quality Content

Great blogs are chock-full of killer content. What does this mean? It should include plenty of the following:

  • Actionable advice
  • Specific instruction
  • Well-written articles
  • Engaging multimedia (images, audio, video, etc.)
  • Free tools and resources
  • Entertainment value

2. Regular Updates

In the spirit of keeping readers well-informed, a good blog needs to publish new, original content on a regular basis. Personally, I’m more concerned with quality over quantity, but as a general rule of thumb, a good blog should be updated with new posts at least once every other week.

3. Reader-Focused

I’m not against blogs that promote products and services when they legitimately add value to the discussion, but let’s be honest – those instances are few and far between. It’s pretty obvious when a writer has shifted his focus away from helping others and more toward making money. Admittedly, this is a tricky balance for most bloggers because most blogs wouldn’t exist if they couldn’t be monetized in some way.

Nobody invests the countless hours required to maintain a popular blog without carefully considering the financial return. So with that said, a good blog needs to be tactful about the types of “plugs” it passes on to its audience. They should be used sparingly and only within the context of legitimately helping the reader.

4. Niche-Specific

To serve an audience well, a blog needs to stay focused on its niche (whatever that happens to be). If I’m visiting a website to learn about farming or agriculture, I shouldn’t have to sift through posts about physical fitness, relationship advice, political rants or any other subject that has nothing to do with farming or agriculture. The only reason any popular blog develops a following is because it gives the reader what the reader is looking for.

5. Good Design and Easy Navigation

This is easily the most overlooked aspect of all the blogs I’ve seen. Even if a blog has the best information in the universe, it’s all for nothing if the reader can’t find what she’s looking for. The best bloggers on the internet put a lot of effort into helping their readers find what they’re looking for as effortlessly as possible (via search bars, categorized posts, archives, sort by author, etc). If a blog isn’t easy to use, it doesn’t belong on this list.

So without further ado, in no particular order, allow us to announce the winners of our first-ever Golden Tractor Awards. Here’s to another great year of blogging!

The Milk Maid Marian


This blog, authored by Marian Macdonald, chronicles the life of an Australian dairy farmer. This a great resource for any dairy farmer, not just those living in Australia. Marian writes to inform her readers about everything from raising calves to determining milk quality.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Infectious farm life

>>Follow The Milk Maid Marian on Facebook


The Beginning Farmer


The Beginning Farmer’s story began when Ethan Book was a young child playing with toy tractors on his bedroom his floor. In 2006, he launched this blog to chronicle his life as a farmer. After writing 800-plus blog posts ranging from research, ideas, stories about life on the farm, and hard lessons learned (his favorite topic), Ethan launched a successful Kickstarter campaign to fund his latest project: “The Beginning Farmer Show.”

Our Favorite 2016 Post: TBF 134 :: Super-Duper Farm Q & A, Farm News, and a Hard Lesson Learned

>>Follow The Beginning Farmer on Facebook


Farmgirl Follies

As the title of her blog probably suggests, Jennifer Kiko is an eccentric writer and dedicated farmer. Storytelling is truly one of her gifts. Her blog is full of gorgeous photography and catchy headlines, as well as fun and easy-to-read stories of her life on the farm, yummy garden recipes and family life.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Morning Song and the Sounds of Silence

>>Follow Farmgirl Follies on Facebook


Morning Bray Farm

Hailing from Albuquerque, NM, Morning Bray Farm narrates the tales of adopted and rescued donkeys and burros Bernard, Ellsworth, Nigel, Patrick, Grace, Buck and more!

This blog definitely tells one of the more sentimental stories featured on our list.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Summer’s beauty


The Skoog Farm Journal


Since 2008, The Skoog Farm Journal has chronicles the chores and garden-fresh feasts that make up life in rural New York, where retired art teacher, card creator, animal rescuer and organic farmer Lori Skoog celebrates her passion for horses and commemorates cherished four-legged friends. Lori posts every day, so there’s always fresh content to enjoy.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Brrrrrrr. Can You Believe It?


Dairy Goddess’s Blog


For a long time, A Dairy Goddess’s Blog existed to give farmers a face and promote understanding of a threatened way of life that represents a national treasure. A little over a year ago, Barbara Martin’s blog, along with her all of her cows, have moved onto bigger and better things. She still gives her faithful followers updates from her new farm, which is just up the road from the previous one. You can read her old blog here.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Dairy Goddess has MOO-ved

>>Follow Dairy Goddess on Facebook


Kim’s County Line


Sowing seeds of hope despite hard times, sprouting awareness for a new generation at Ag Day and capturing sunsets framed by a century-old grain elevator are all in a day’s work for Kim Fritzemeier, the Kansas farm wife and freelance radio reporter behind Kim’s County Line, where readers can discover why dusting is a dirty word to farmers and housewives, why planting wheat is like waiting to give birth and why feed store mousers are as important as any CEO.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: All the King’s Horses: Part II


Northview Diary


As one of the longest-running diary farm blogs, Northview Diary, authored by Marianne Friers, gives you a taste of life on a diary farm with regular in-depth narrations of the author’s experiences, including ensuring all cows are accounted for and keeping the farm going when extreme weather arrives.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Graduation


The Dairy Mom


Brenda Hastings provides insights about owning and running a dairy farm in northeast Ohio, including giving visitors a front-row seat during Open Farm Days, explaining pricing structure and costs for dairy farmers, and explaining how to keep cows healthy, comfortable and productive.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Hastings Dairy Tours & Milk from Farmstead Creamery

>>Follow The Dairy Mom on Facebook


Farm Fresh Fun


Proud owner of an almost two-century-old Maryland farmstead slated for demolition and horse trainer-turned-DIY-er, Farm Fresh Fun blogger Leslie Deering chronicles her work in progress with before-and-after pictures that reveal an amazing transformation and welcomes visitors from as far away as Beijing. You can even enjoy photos of mutton bustin’!

Our Favorite 2016 Post: cat naps


Punkin’s Patch

Named in memory of a sheep rescued from the stockyard, Punkin’s Patch is the Kentucky home of blogger, Packers fan and fiber artist Sara Dunham — aka “Crazy Sheep Lady” — Hank the watchful dog, and a flock that includes a United Nations mix of breeds with a cast of wooly characters like Ewen, Ewenice and Wooliam.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Tales Of The Tails

>>Follow Punkin’s Patch on Facebook


The Wife of a Dairyman


Nancy Grossi shares recipes that use homegrown bounty, a virtual tour of a California farm that is home to happy heifers and the experience of sending her kids to a one-room schoolhouse as “The Wife of a Dairyman.” She appreciates old barns, attends blogging conventions and participates in the state’s Farm Fresh tour.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Watermelon Summer Slush

>>Follow The Wife of a Dairyman on Facebook


Hoosier Farm Babe


Journalist, Mary Kay fan and wife of Big D, Meggie Foster is the blogger behind Hoosier Farm Babe. On the blog, you’ll learn that she celebrates her wedding anniversary by closing on the farm of her dreams and contemplates giving up her horse to make more time for motherhood; and discover the connection between dairy farming, Ginger Rogers and “Sex and the City.”

Our Favorite 2016 Post: A Fit Farmwife: How to Get Started

>>Follow Hoosier Farm Babe on Facebook


Life on a Colorado Farm


On her blog, Linda Brown chronicles a vanishing tradition and offers remembrances of times past when the nation faced a different war; readers can follow the adventures of a pair of curious farm dogs and enjoy photos of everyday miracles, including a parade of rainbows and a glimpse of hummingbird nests.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: A Raid on the Farm! Another Sherlock Boomer Adventure


The 7MSN Ranch Blog


Linda Carson left the corporate grind to settle down seven miles south of nowhere on the 7MSN Ranch with a menagerie of donkeys, a dog named Smooch and Wynonna, the pot-bellied diva. Amazing photos capture the majesty of painted New Mexico skies at sunset and chronicle the construction of projects around the ranch, including a chicken castle.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: You can lead a chicken to water but you can’t make them stand in it

>>Follow Linda Carson on Facebook


The Farmer’s Daughter USA


Amanda Zaluckyj is a blogger, writer, practicing attorney and proud daughter (and sister!) of farmers in southwest Michigan. Her blog is a fact-filled resource for anyone who wants to be educated about farming and agriculture. Her goal is to help educate consumers about conventional farming — especially about her favorite topics of biotechnology, organic crops and animal agriculture.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Animal Farmers Talk About Profits

>>Follow The Farmer’s Daughter USA on Facebook


Animal Agriculture in a Changing Climate Blog


This blog’s mission statement: Animal Agriculture in a Changing Climate fosters animal production practices that are: environmentally sound and economically viable, and that create resiliency for animal producers and their partners.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Driver of Change

>>Follow Animal Agriculture in a Changing Climate on Facebook




SAIFood is making information digestible. Agriculture research, policy directives and innovation literature aren’t written for regular folks, so SAIFood breaks it all down for you.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: GM Crops Provide $150 Billion in Global Benefits

>>Follow SAIFood on Twitter


Climate Wise Agriculture

Climate Wise Agriculture shares information and experiences in order to encourage best practices and drive strategy aimed at achieving climate-resilient and sustainable agriculture.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Farming in 2050: storing carbon could help meet Australia’s climate goals

>>Follow Climate Wise Agriculture on Facebook


Guernsey Dairy Mama


This blog, authored by Darleen Sichley, chronicles the life of a third-generation dairy farmer. Family is the driving force of her 100-acre farm, Abiqua Acres. Check her site out for elegant writing and dairy farming expertise.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: 2016 Year End Review: Agvocacy

>>Follow Guernsey Dairy Mama on Facebook


Life At Cobble Hill Farm


Backyard farmers in upstate New York, blogger Staci Ducharme and husband Jay practice voluntary simplicity, offer lessons in chicken coop construction and tackle the question of what makes a farm, while sharing space with their menagerie of chickens, cats and French bulldogs.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: So You Want To Raise Chickens….

>>Follow Life At Cobble Hill Farm on Facebook


Real Agriculture


Real Agriculture focuses on issues affecting agriculture, offering a mix of news and opinion. Whether you are a farmer, an industry professional or a government worker, this site publishes content that applies to you and your world.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Trimble Combining Agri-Data, Connected Farm Into Single Farm Data Platform

>>Follow Real Agriculture on Facebook


Modern Farmer


There has been a movement afoot in recent years to make connections between what we eat, how we live and how our lives affect the planet. Modern Farmer exists for people who want to be a part of that movement.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: MIT Researchers Discover a Way to Make Pesticides “Stick” More

>>Follow Modern Farmer on Facebook




AgWeb is a go-to source for agriculture news online. You can read the latest about topics like corn growing, soybean farming, crop farming and futures trading.


Our Favorite 2016 Post: Top AgPro Technology Stories From 2016

>>Follow AgWeb on Facebook


Civil Eats


This site promotes critical thought about sustainable agriculture and food systems.


Our Favorite 2016 Post: U.S. Organic Farmland Hits Record 4.1 Million Acres in 2016

>>Follow Civil Eats on Facebook




Seedstock is an blog that focuses on sustainable agriculture startups, technology, producers, food security, news and research.


Our Favorite 2016 Post: A 2-acre Farm in a Box: Kits Deliver Off-grid Farming Components in Shipping Containers

>>Follow Seedstock on Facebook




ScienceDaily has agricultural research news galore. From fertilizers and organic farming to maximizing crops and hybridization, read about an array of advancements in agriculture.


Our Favorite 2016 Post: Can Africa feed itself?

>>Follow ScienceDaily on Facebook


Purdue University Agriculture News


Purdue Agriculture is a leader in innovative learning, discovery and engagement in agriculture, food and natural resources.


Our Favorite 2016 Post: Understanding how plants withstand harsh conditions remains major research challenge

>> Follow Purdue University Agriculture on Facebook


National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition


The coalition supports the economic and environmental sustainability of agriculture, natural resources and rural communities. It comprises grassroots organizations that advocate for a variety of federal policy reforms.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: With Food Labeling Claims, The Devil’s In The Details

>>Follow National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition on Facebook


Agriculture Proud


This blog is about farm and ranch life, answering questions about raising cattle and urging others to learn about the origins of food.


Our Favorite 2016 Post: Documentaries Changing Minds About Agriculture…

>>Follow Agriculture Proud on Facebook


The Peterson Farm Blog


This blog is about misunderstood topics in agriculture. Greg Petersons goal is educate the general public on where their food comes from and what a real Midwest family farm looks like. The family post videos from their YouTube channel, pictures from their farm, news articles about farming, and a whole host of other information.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: 15 Myths About Monsanto

>>Follow The Peterson Bros on Facebook


Messy Kennedy


Ashley Kennedy is a mother, wife, millennial, dairy farmer and blogger. The Messy Kennedy blog touches on topics ranging from farm life to motherhood to savory recipes. She wrote a powerful piece toward the end of last year that we encourage everyone to read (if you havent already).

Our Favorite 2016 Post: I am the Rural Uneducated Person

>>Follow Messy Kennedy on Facebook


A Farm Wife


A Farm Wife chronicles the ramblings of a farm wife who has been married 41 years and successfully raised four sons. Her wish is to give back to mothers everywhere, encouraging other awesome mothers to live a humble and inspiring life.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Now You See It, Now You Don’t

>>Follow A Farm Wife on Facebook


Agriculture Entrepreneurship by Penn State


Here, you can find marketing, management and industry news for farm and food businesses delivered by the Penn State Extension Ag Business Management team.


Our Favorite 2016 Post: Managing Cash Flow for Your Farm

>>Follow The Ag Entrepreneurship Extension Team on Facebook


Farmers Weekly

Farmers Weekly is a multimedia information service for farmers and agricultural businesses. It provides news, market prices, technical advice, opinions and a range of interactive services for farm businesses of all shapes and sizes.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Top tips when expanding your farm business

>>Follow Farmers Weekly on Facebook


The Agriculture – Reddit


This Reddit is a destination for lively discussion on agricultural science and best practices.


Our Favorite 2016 2017 Post: IoT (Internet of Things) to Transform Farmers into Entrepreneurs


Cooking Up a Story


Cooking Up A Story (CUPS) is an online show airing a variety of original short-form video programming that examines our food system. CUPS brings you unique documentary stories, talks, interviews and cutting-edge agricultural information from farmers and ranchers, food artisans, and others whose lives center on sustainable food and agriculture.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Jack English Living Off The Land

>>Follow Cooking Up a Story on Facebook


Cold Antler Farm


Web designer Jenna Jackson followed her calling to Cold Antler Farm in New York’s Washington County, where the author (as Jenna Woginrich) of Barnheart” and “Made From Scratch” hosts workshops on mountain music, backyard chickens and wool. Her blog reveals an obsession with weather and a belief in the poetry of simple things.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Goat Life Hack #494

>>Follow Jenna Woginrich on Facebook


Shepards Notebook


Shepherd’s Notebook is an extensive information resource for sheep and goat producers that is written by Susan Schoenian from the University of Maryland Extension Small Ruminant Program. It covers a range of topics pertaining to sheep and goat, from research studies to news.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Increase Your Lamb Crop

>>Follow The University of Maryland Extension on Facebook


Bee Haven Acres


Site of a centuries-old log-built landmark, Bee Haven Acres is home to a herd of fainting goats, a gender-bending rooster and blogger Bev Frankeny, an organic farmer and vintage apron maker who fulfills a porcine fantasy, involves the neighbors in a collaborative yurt-raising, and makes memories at Grammie’s Pennsylvania farm.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: The Day I Discovered That Donkeys Don’t Read

>>Follow Bee Haven Acres on Facebook


Minnesota Farm Living


Minnesota Farm Living, authored by Wanda Patsche, is a blog that aims to help bridge the disconnect between consumers and farmers. Aside from giving readers her perspective on the truth about agriculture, Wanda shares pictures of her family and her farm.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: A Letter to Any Farmer Under the Age of 35

>>Follow Minnesota Farm Living on Facebook


Modern-day Farm Chick


Annaliese is an eccentric modern-day farm chick promoting country living. She’s a Wisconsin girl, dairy farmer, lover of cheese, and leaves a little piece of herself for others to enjoy in every post that she writes.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: What Does Your Farm Say About You?

>>Follow Modern-day Farm Chick on Facebook




Yvonne Pratt is a mother, wife and blogging enthusiast from Pennsylvania. Writing about farmhouse living, she offers a plethora of tutorials for readers to try, such as “Broken Glass Glitter Ornaments,” “How To Make Any Frame Into a Mirror” and “10 Minute Mason Jar Herb Garden.”

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Best Recipes of 2016

>>Follow StoneGable on Facebook


Golden Earthworm Organic Farm


Check out the blog from this farm, which grows organic produce on Long Islands North Fork.



Our Favorite 2016 Post: CSA 101 – Essential Kitchen Tools

>>Follow Golden Earthworm Organic Farm on Facebook


Tiny Farm Blog


This is a day-to-day photo journal of organic market gardening.


Our Favorite 2016 Post: Winter salad


Iowa Agriculture Literacy

IALF is a statewide venture designed to boost agriculture education in Iowa schools.

Our Favorite 2016 Post: Agriculture Literacy in the Digital World

>>Follow Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation on Facebook


Jake Hill

Jake Hill grew up working for his dad's landscaping company, and spent over 6 years covering the lawn care industry for LawnStarter. His expertise has been featured in The Huffington Post,, and more.