The Top 70 Gardening Blogs of 2018

The 2018 Golden Trowel Awards

Editor’s note: A huge thank you to all members of the gardening and lawn care community. We appreciate your hard work—please keep it up as we enter next year. If your favorites are not on our list of top gardening blogs, let us know in the comments section.

Discovering the Top Gardening Blogs of 2018

Countless bloggers share a hobby for gardening. From former consultants to chemists, the online gardening community delivers a wide range of perspectives and enthusiasts. Throughout this year, LawnStarter’s Editorial Team monitored gardening blogs and compiled a list of the top 70 for 2018.

The winners were judged on these five criteria:

  • Gardening Knowledge
  • Quality and Consistency of Writing
  • New Gardening Topics or Approaches
  • Memorable Voice and Personality
  • Presence on Google and Social Media Outlets

Winners may display our Golden Trowel Award badge on their blogs. We attempted to email or message each of the winners, however, if we missed you, we love to hear from you. Other than that, here are the top gardening blogs for this year—listed in no particular order.

Also, if prefer spending more time with your garden than your lawn, you can book a local lawn care service today.

Gaia’s Organic Gardens Blog

Author: Carla Weir

Carla’s mission is to avoid pesticides and untested or unnecessary toxins in your garden. Named after the goddess of the earth from Greek mythology, Gaia’s Organic Gardens Blog offers tips that range from gardening tips for kids to eco-landscaping. This blog will equip you with a crucial basis for an organic lifestyle and will improve your environmental awareness.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: How To Start an Organic Garden

Urban Veg Patch

Author: Caro Shrives

Caro Shrives is both a seasoned outdoors adventurer and an indoor home cook. Her grandparents, who were gardeners themselves, inspired her to carry on the practice. Even though her parents are not gardeners, Caro aptly maintains the family tradition. Urban Veg Patch is a useful guide to the food-growing process, and it’s also a wonderful journal of what that process is like. Caro guides you from the garden to your kitchen on how to properly handle vegetables.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Garden Gathered Soup: Raymond Blanc Recipe

Urban Gardeners Republic

Author: Urban Gardeners Republic staff

Urban Gardeners Republic seeks to broaden the sense of community in urban gardening. It represents one of the largest urban gardening communities on the internet, with goals of continuing to grow internationally. This organization maintains a lofty goal of creating a 1000 gardens in 100 cities within the next five years. The tips here are very informative if you’re looking for DIY gardening tips.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: What Do You Need To Start a Vegetable Garden? A Guide

Gardening Wizards

Author: Emily Tooby

After spending 10 years as a journalist, Emily embraced gardening. Her writing skills are fully employed in Gardening Wizards, and she writes practical guides about indoor gardening and raising crops. This blog is a terrific resource for beginner-level gardeners, especially those who love who need to be refreshed on essential crops, such as portobello mushrooms.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: How to Revive an Orchid And Preserve The Elegance In Your Home

The Sunday Gardener

Author: Carol Bartlett

Carol’s gardening experience spans over 20 years. Her biodiverse garden in North England is comprised of wildflowers, herbs, and other unique plant life. Her decades-long hobby bloomed into The Sunday Gardener, a garden guide and journal. One of her most unique sections is “Scented plants” because it describes the varying fragrances your garden can emanate through each plant. This blog also provides seasonal gardening advice.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Why Dead Heading Is Important

Garden of Eaden

Author: Simon Eade

The Garden of Eaden is a prolific blog about UK gardening and travel. Since 2008, Simon, the blog’s founder, provided tips and guides to growing everything from exotic flowers to tea. His sense of practicality delivers easy, straightforward gardening instructions. He also frequently interacts with his readers, answering their questions.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: How To Grow Tea

Garden Ambition

Author: Lucy M. Clark

Over 12 years ago, Lucy took up gardening as a new hobby in Florida. Today, her dream garden is a reality, and her blog Garden Ambition is a successful gardening resource. The amount of technical knowledge accumulated over the past decade is on display in Garden Ambition. And it really shows anyone can approach gardening as long as they’re curious and motivated.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Low-Technology Hydroponics Wick System for Beginners 2018

The Patient Gardener

Author: Helen Johnstone

The Patient Gardener is a love letter to gardeners. The blog’s founder Helen created it in part to satisfy her “horticultural leanings” while maintaining a 9-5 administrative job. The Patient Gardener is replete with personal notes in the garden and solid advice for seasonal gardening.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: A Good Clean Up

Home Garden Joy

Author: Jeanne Grunert

As a marketing executive for Seven Oaks Consulting, Jeanne bears some surprising gardening credentials. She’s a Virginia Master Gardener, and her writing is displayed in well-known gardening publications, such as Mother Earth News and the Virginia Gardener. Jeanne’s Home Garden Joy provides not only expert-level gardening advice but salivating recipe guides as well.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Butternut Squash Soup Recipe

A Guide to Northeastern Gardening

Author: Lee Miller

Lee Miller is a well-accomplished gardener. Her blog, A Guide to Northeastern Gardening, is deeply researched and expansive from everyday gardening tips to rare plants. Lee offers advice professionally, and even published two gardening books that can be seen on Amazon: A Guide to Northeastern Gardening, Landscape Design Combinations.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: This Month in the Garden: Alluring Alliums!: Fall Planting, Care & Maintenance

Floret Flowers

Author: Chris and Erin Benzakein

Chris and Erin run a small flower farm that is breathtaking in color and design, and much can be said the same for their blog Floret Flowers. They won the 2014 Martha Stewart America Made Award, and this year they’ve demonstrated why they still earn that title. Floret Flowers is a love letter to family and flowers, ornamented well with clever web design and gorgeous pictures.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Fall Planted Bulbs for Spring Flowers

Red Dirt Ramblings

Author: Dee Nash

Dee is an Oklahoma-native with an aesthetic eye for color and a brain for gardening. Her guides in Red Dirt Ramblings for summer plants and other gardening ideas are both beautiful and informative to scroll through. Red Dirt Ramblings makes Oklahoma a more attractive travel destination.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Best Plants for Summer Containers

Sumo Gardener

Author: Ann Katelyn

Sumo Gardener offers exhaustive gardening and lawn care guides. This blog also advocates for organic and environmentally conscious practices at home. For beginner gardeners especially, Sumo Gardener trains gardening and lawn care basics—but gradually builds deeper knowledge through the successive guides on each topic.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Organic Lawn Care

The Citrus Guy

Author: Darren Sheriff

Darren invests his time and energy into plant problem-solving. His blog, The Citrus Guy, is an interactive place for online readers to ask questions and receive advice from a Charleston County Master Gardener and horticultural consultant. The blog offers a breadth of exotic plant guides, which include Croton and American Beautyberry. And, like its namesake, the blog instructs how to protect your citrus fruits—even in the face of cold weather.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: The Never Ending Saga of a Japanese Invasion

Miss Smarty Plants

Author: Keri Byrum

Keri, an Iowa native, is a Florida expert in gardening and outdoor projects. She has worked as a horticulture expert for one of Orlando’s largest theme parks and teaches as an extension lecturer for the University of Florida. Her blog, Miss Smarty Plants, provides easy-to-follow advice from lawn care to gardening. She also takes the extra step and provides her own images of common issues for both activities. Keri also offers insightful advice on how to improve the aesthetic of your garden and yard.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Using Pinterest for Easy Garden Design

The Impatient Gardener

Author: Erin Schanen

Erin is a DIY gardener with over 15 years of experience. Her 1.3-acre property contains several gardens. Her blog, The Impatient Gardener, is a misnomer because she writes in great detail about gardening and patiently guides the reader over the basics, using her own images. And speaking of images, Erin runs one of the most gorgeous Instagram accounts: @impatientgardener.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Taking Drastic Measures to Save A Special Plant

The Gardening Shoe

Author: Sarah Shoesmith

Sarah is an award-winning gardener. In 2003, she received the Centenary Prize from The Royal Horticultural Society. Her passion for her blog, The Gardening Shoe, is displayed in reflective and informative posts about various plants and gardening activities.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Why Grow Food?

Alaska Master Gardener Blog

Author: Alaska Master Gardener Blog staff

Cold climate residents who are interested in gardening would benefit greatly from this blog. The info is generally intended for horticultural and gardening experts, however, Alaska Master Gardener Blog covers solid ground because the in-depth posts are educational about the effect of cold temperatures upon plant life. Also, you’ll learn how to grow fruit better in cold weather.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Starting Bare Root Strawberries

Sustainable Market Farming

Author: Pam Dawling

Pam is a professional writer on gardening and agriculture. She has written two books, Sustainable Market Farming and The Year-Round Hoophouse. Her 25 plus years of farming experience in central Virginia displays wisdom on her blog, Sustainable Market Farming. Part journal and part farming guide, Sustainable Market Farming equips the reader with practical and technical gardening advice. As an expert, she also reviews other gardening experts and their books.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Book Review: Start Your Farm, by Forrest Pritchard and Ellen Polishuk

The Scientific Gardener

Author: Owner of The Scientific Gardener

The Scientific Gardener is a melon master. From cucumbers to caroselli, this blog provides tips on soil, watering, and disease control for these plants. The author built his own greenhouse and frequently experiments with warm-season plant life. Numerous skin types and textures of melon that you never see in the grocery store can be witnessed on this blog.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Caroselli

Home Grown Happiness

Author: Elien Lewis

Elien makes New Zealand seem picturesque. Pictures of her garden are rich in color and display a tranquil environment. Originally from Belgium, Elien experiments with gardening in her Wellington, NZ home. She tries to avoid harmful chemicals in her produce, especially notable since she’s a mother two young boys, and offers clever DIY gardening tips.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: How to Use Manure in the Garden

Harvest to Table

Author: Stephen Albert

Stephen, a resident of Sonoma Valley, CA, looks like your friendly neighborhood gardener. Raised near farms, Stephen grew up in touch with agriculture. His blog, Harvest to Table, provides straightforward, heartwarming gardening stories and advice. Year-round, he writes about seasonal adjustments and offers well-taken pictures of his property.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Crop Rotation in Small Vegetable Garden

Garden Betty

Author: Linda Ly

Linda’s gardening enthusiasm and knowledge have brought her a high-achieving career. She’s received support from big sponsors, which include Crown Bees and Kia Motors, for her popular blog Garden Betty. Linda’s philosophy toward gardening is important for all gardeners: avoid unnecessary waste. In fact, she published a well-reviewed cookbook called The CSA Cookbook: No-Waste Recipes for Cooking Your Way Through a Community Supported Agriculture Box, Farmers’ Market, Or Backyard Bounty. Gardeners would be wise to follow her resourceful and eco-friendly gardening tips.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Tomato Leaves: The Toxic Myth

Keeper of the Home

Author: Owner of Keeper of the Home

Keeper of the Home is a heart-warming blog for gardeners and home cooks. This blog emphasizes clean-living and avoids artificial ingredients—whether for your soil or your belly. Keeper of the Home also discusses family life and lessons, eclipsing home life with nature. Also, the recipes are very tasty.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Creamy Spring and Asparagus Soup

Life with Lorelai

Author: Lorelai Victoria

Lorelai, a mother with two cats and two kids, runs a fun, personal blog that produces enjoyable DIY tasks. Unlike many of the other blogs on this list, Lorelai won’t belabor you on soil types for your garden, but she’ll provide novel decorations for your home and garden.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Pumpkin Carving

Home V Garden

Author: Home V Garden staff

Home V Garden is a useful and practical blog. The gardening tips are intended to improve the aesthetic of your home. With easy-to-follow guidelines, this blog will prepare gardeners who are new to the practice. Home V Garden factors in seasonal effects on plants and provides appropriate tips.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: How to Plan Your DIY Bulbs Projects
in the Garden

The No Dig Gardener

Author: Roger Brook

Since 2012, Roger channeled his decades and decades of horticulture knowledge into The No Dig Gardener. Roger is a former lecturer at Lancashire College of Agriculture and Horticulture and retired in 1990. He photographs his own yard and garden pictures, and his posts are enhanced by his deep wisdom from gardening for so many years.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Should We Worry About Poisonous Plants?

Toronto Gardens

Author: Helen Battersby and Sarah Battersby

Helen and Sarah are a lovely duo. They run one of the most beautiful gardening blogs—which also provides high-quality gardening advice. Toronto is a cold city, and the Battersby sisters provide the knowledge on how to help your garden survive low temperatures. Their posts about gardening and home decorations cover all the essential bases, especially because they run a plethora of gardens, which include a balcony garden, a shady front garden, a sunny guerrilla garden, and a community garden plot.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: England meets Texas in the Rock Rose Garden

The Middle-sized Garden

Author: Alexandria Campbell

An accomplished novelist and writer, Alexandria values the importance of a peaceful and well-kept garden. Her blog, The Middle-sized Garden, is intended for gardens that are bigger than a courtyard but smaller than an acre. This blog is a terrific resource for homeowners of relatively large properties.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: No Dig Flower Borders – Easy, Weed-free and Brilliant

Dig, Grow, Compost, Blog

Author: Jean McWeeney

A biology major from the University of Texas, Jean always maintained a fascination with gardening. Although the tech industry permeated her professional life, she’s currently a full-time gardening consultant or a “Natural Garden Coach.” Her personal reflections on garden aesthetics and growing conditions are worth reading because she offers over 40 years of gardening experience and interest.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: What Is It About Austin Gardens?

Glenns Garden Gardening Blog

Author: Glenn Bronner

Glenn has over 40 years of gardening experience, currently a professional groundskeeper. Since 8 years old, when he pulled weeds from his grandmother’s lawn, Glenn favored work outdoors. In college, he took horticulture classes. His blog generously offers achievable DIY gardening tips, from maintenance to decoration.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Decorating Your Minimalist Garden

The Urban Gardener

Author: Sunita Mohan

Sunita is a veteran gardening blogger because she’s been posting since 2008. The library of pictures of insects and plants she’s photographed are striking and beautiful. After 8 years, her gardening advice is full of enthusiasm and rich observation.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Choices For a Gardener

Natural Gardening

Author: Lisa K Wagner

Lisa’s blog Natural Gardening is refreshing to read. Not only because of her eye-catching photos or straightforward gardening advice, but also due to her tranquil observations of the activity. One glance at Natural Gardening and you’ll receive a deep understanding of biology and a deeper appreciation for gardening.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Edelweiss and Alpine Gentians

Cold Climate Gardening

Author: Kathy Purdy

Kathy is an observant home gardener. She writes informatively in her blog Cold Climate Gardening about the roots and weather conditions for the flowers in her garden—which are colorful and gorgeous. Most importantly, Kathy takes time to cite her sources, so her information is authoritative.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Sundrops Add Sunshine To My Garden: Wildflower Wednesday

AZ Plant Lady

Author: Noelle Johnson

Noelle carries a plethora of gardening credentials. She’s a certified botanist, horticulturalist, landscape consultant, and published garden writer. Her blog, AZ Plant Lady, is particularly informative if you want to grow plants in a hotter and drier climate. However, she also shares entertaining gardening stories, such as encounters with wild pigs.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Javelina in the Desert Garden

Succulents and More

Author: Gerhard Bock

Gerhard lives in Davis, California, where UC Davis is located—one of the top agricultural colleges in the U.S. He enhances the surrounding environment with his home gardens and yards. His blog, Succulents and More, frequently displays impressive pictures of his home. Succulents, the increasingly popular indoor plants, are his specialty, and Gerhard provides many guides on properly maintaining them. Succulents and More also is a personal journal for Gerhard to write of his gardening triumphs and challenges.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: A Trip Around The World in John Kuzma’s Portland Fusion Garden

Fantastic Gardeners

Author: Fantastic Gardeners Team

Fantastic Gardeners are a gardening service that specializes in a broad range of garden issues. Their blog delivers top-notch advice from experienced gardeners. From poison ivy to ant infestation, Fantastic Gardeners offers easy-to-follow DIY guides.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Greenhouse vs. Polytunnel – Which One Is Better?

Pith + Vigor

Author: Rochelle Greayer

Rochelle is an expert garden designer and world traveler, offering advice across borders on how to improve your garden. Her à la mode blog, Pith + Vigor, is rich with style tips and insight for your home and garden. One of the best-looking sites on this list, Pith + Vigor’s photos of plants and decorations will stun you.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: How To Collage Leaves Into Attractive Decor

A Kansas Prairie Garden

Author: Owners of A Kansas Prairie Garden

A Kansas Prairie Garden is a simple, accesible blog about gardening in a region that is classified in the Zones 6a and 6b USDA Hardiness Zone. The owners of this blog also write like it’s their garden diary, recording the ups and downs of their plants. It’s an informative and enjoyably personal read.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Summer 2018 – A Sad End to a Tree

DIY Everywhere

Author: DIY Everywhere staff

For beginner gardeners, DIY Everywhere is an easy resource to start with. The blog also spans a variety of home decor tips that go beyond gardening. Because it’s an expansive source of home ideas you can do on your own, DIY Everywhere is very helpful.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: 10+ Major Gardening Mistakes Made By Beginners

One Green Planet

Author: One Green Planet staff

The mission of One Green Planet is to raise compassion for the environment. This blog can help homeowners avoid water waste and pollution of natural surroundings. Eco-consciousness should resonate in not only large corporations but also the homeowner. As minute as growing a watermelon in your backyard, One Green Planet offers gardening tips that will be the most eco-friendly.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: How to Grow Your Own Watermelons

Cottage Life

Author: Cottage Life staff

Cottage Life is a well-known home and gardening magazine, founded in 1988. But beyond its print edition, the Cottage Life blog is replete with wise agricultural info and stylish decor tips. This blog is an accessible, entertaining, and highly informative resource if you want to be an expert gardener.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: I’m 100% Corn Fed and Totally OK with It

Accessible Gardens

Author: Accessible Gardens Staff
Accessible Gardens is written by a team of gardening enthusiasts and experts. They’re main goal is to disseminate gardening knowledge for free to the larger public, and they hope more people will partake in the activity. The blog provides tutorials from as simple as planting mint to more complicated projects like garden rennovation.
Our Favorite 2018 Post: Easy Peasy Project – Mint Garden

Mustard Plaster

Author: Owner of Mustard Plaster

Mustard Plaster is a short blog with interesting musings on plant and insect life in the garden. The author writes tersely about gardening activities, but it’s observant content. The blog covers pigmentation and other plant traits for the author’s garden. It’s worth checking out.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Mustard Plaster

Seed Money

Author: Seed Money staff

Seed Money is comprised of gardening and cooking experts. They’re mission is to provide financial and technical support for public food garden projects. This is crucial work, especially in communities that don’t have good access to produce and healthy foods. This blog also provides delicious recipes, once the harvest from your garden is collected.
Our Favorite 2018 Post: Homemade Hot Sauce

Chiot’s Run

Author: Susy Morris

Susy’s garden contains the most delightful-looking produce. Her blog, Chiot’s Run, educates gardeners to waste less and adopt an organic lifestyle more. The results pay off—because the rich colors in her garden are stunning. This blog will motivate you to garden more.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Compost Pile Harvest

Mark’s Veg Spot

Author: Mark Willis

Mark is an experienced gardener and writes not only about his gardening—but his family and travels as well. Mark’s Veg Spot is not only full of endearing anecdotes of home and gardening life, but it provides solid planting advice as well. The blog also covers unique plants that Mark has grown.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Harvesting Chinese Artichokes

Royal Horticultural Society

Author: Royal Horticultural Society staff

The prestigious Royal Horticultural Society is the leading gardening charity, at least in the UK. Their website provides well-written advice for beginner gardeners.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Fertilisers

You Grow Girl

Author: Gayla Trail

Gayla is a popular gardener and traveler. She’s written several best selling books on gardening, cooking, and preserving. Publications such as the New York Times and O Magazine have featured her photography and writing. You Grow Girl reflects her signature voice in this blog: reflective, humorous, and knowledgeable.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: On Wildness

Carleton Girl

Author: Owner of Carleton Girl

Carleton Girl is a lovely home garden blog that shows off New England gardening. Guides for fresh produce, from lettuce to tomatoes, are well-written and easy to follow. You’ll learn how to adapt to the cold seasons too as a gardener.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Favorite Week – Planting Corn and Beans and Transplanting Tomatoes

Plants Are The Strangest People

Author: Owner of Plants Are The Strangest People

This humorous and intelligent blog will scale the frustrations of any expert gardener: the struggle of growing exotic or uncommon plants. Plants Are The Strangest People features some of the most stunning flower photos on this list.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Schlumbergera Seedlings

Growing With Plants

Author: Matt Mattus

Matt is a serious gardening enthusiast—so much so—that despite being a full-time employee of Hasbro, he is Vice President of the Worcester County Horticultural Society. His blog, Growing With Plants, displays a deep, well-researched understanding of gardening.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: I’m 100% Corn Fed and Totally OK with It

High Altitude Gardening

Author: Kate Miller

Kate is a master gardener with an eye for beautiful flowers. This is even more impressive by the fact she grows them in cold, mountainous conditions.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Moonshine Yarrow

Fresh Eggs Daily

Author: Lisa Steele

Lisa Steele writes one of the most heartwarming chicken gardening blogs, known as Fresh Eggs Daily. Follow her blog for sound advice on raising chicks and chickens in your home.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: How to Keep Mice out of your Chicken Coop without Traps or Poison


Author: Pam Penick

A native of Austin TX, Pam is a gardener with a warm sense of community. She’ll guide you how to garden properly in Texas, as well as have fun—such as teaching you how to grow flowers and her experience at a pumpkin patch.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Down Came The Rain, Up Came Red And Yellow Spider Lilies

Sow True Seed

Author: Sow True Seed staff

Sow True Seed offers gardeners and small-market farmers seeds and encourages local gardening. Their blog is both endearing and informative.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Butterfly Weed: I Grew It From Seed!

Shawna Coronado

Author: Shawna Coronado

Shawna is a fan of exotic flowers and a DIY expert. She prefers to do things by hand and will inspire you to spend more time in your garden. Her blog will boost your handiness and creativity.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Hardy Ice Plant or Delosperma is a Perfect Rock Garden Plant

Garden Nerd

Author: Christy Wilhelmi

Christy focuses on organic gardening. Her blog, Garden Nerd, is witty and educational. Her support of local farmers is inspirational, and her joy of growing produce is contagious.

Our Favorite 2018 Blog Post: Infograph: Eco-Friendly Gardening

Eden Makers

Author: Shirley Bovshow

Shirley is a stay-at-home mom with lots of energy. Her extensive blog on DIY home decor and gardening is full of great tips. Check her blog out, especially if you’re low on home decor ideas.

Our Favorite 2018 Blog Post: Design a Garden with a View!

The Unconventional Gardener

Author: Emma Cooper

Emma is an adventurous traveler with a soul for gardening, and her background knowledge is deep. The Unconventional Gardener will teach you how to protect your crops from pests, but it’ll also take you on the many journeys Emma goes on, particularly through public gardens.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: British Asian Gardens

Real Men Sow

Author: Jono Stevens

Jono enjoys sharing his expertise on gardening. He’s made a living from it. As a successful gardening entrepreneur, Jono constantly gives useful tips from greenhouse gardening to flower planting.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: 6 Tips for Composting Down Your Spent Crops

Ewa in the Garden

Author: Ewa Szulc

Ewa is a real-estate consultant in Warsaw, Poland, and she has a real eye for gardening aesthetics. Her blog, Ewa in the Garden, is rich in personal photography of her own garden and others. For exposure to flowers and other plants you have rarely seen or never seen, Ewa in the Garden is wonderful to glance through.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Colorful Perennials—New Garden Design

Growing Wisdom

Author: David Epstein

David is an experienced meteorologist and horticulturalist with over 3 decades of experience. Growing Wisdom channels David’s enthusiasm for gardening and his willingness to teach you how to prepare for inclement weather.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Container Gardening Is A Great Way To Grow Nearly Anything

Gardening Gone Wild

Author: Fran Sorin (with assistance from Debra Lee Baldwin & Saxon Holt)

Fran has helped countless people with improving their well-being—and gardening has been one of the keys. Her critically-acclaimed book Digging Deep: Unearthing Your Creative Roots Through Gardening was a profound addition to the gardening community. Her blog Gardening Gone Wild is one as well.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: 5 Tips on Using Quantum Physics to Create Your Dream Garden

Bees and Roses

Author: Owner of Bees and Roses

Bees and Roses would impress any gardening aficionado. The blog provides creative and helpful tips for gardening, from novel ways of fencing your garden to design ideas. Bees and Roses also is one of the most beautiful blogs on this list in terms of design.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Harvesting Lavender

Gardening Channel

Author: Owner of Gardening Channel

With almost a million and a half Facebook likes, Gardening Channel is a popular resource for gardeners. Part of what makes this blog stand out are the easy explanations for every technical post written. If you’re not a chemist but want to understand what soil testing is, then the Gardening Channel will be the ultimate guide.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: How Soil pH Balance Affects Your Garden

The 104 Homestead

Author: Jessica Lane

Jessica made a lovely blog focused on organic, DIY gardening. The story of how she became a successful gardener is inspiring. After losing her job and 6 months into a pregnancy, Jessica invested bit by bit on becoming an educated gardener. Her blog is motivation for any beginner gardeners out there.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Make Way for Sage

Green Child

Author: Green Child staff

Green Child is a popular magazine in the gardening community. Their online articles are terrific resources for gardeners of all skill levels. The magazine has grown to cover many areas—not just about gardening but home life in general.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: The 10 Easiest Vegetables to Grow from Seeds

Premeditated Leftovers

Author: Alea Milham

Alea runs a comprehensive blog that captures home life. Premeditated Leftovers provides insight on gardening, cooking, kids, budgeting, and home decor. Her plant-growing tips are also very useful.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: How To Grow Butternut Squash

Green Leaf Tips

Author: Green Leaf Tips staff

Green Leaf Tips amassed a large following on social media from its other name, Dream Garden 101. This gardening blog addresses popular gardening questions and explains technical aspects well. The Urban Gardening section offers nifty guides, especially if you live in an apartment.

Our Favorite 2018 Post: Growing Hydrangea Cuttings

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