Eugene, OR lawn care service at the click of a button

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Why LawnStarter?

5 Minute Setup
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Online Account Management
Payment, scheduling, feedback... all done through a convenient app.
All Services Covered
Lawn mowing, fertilization, bush trimming, weeding and more. We can do it all.
Fully Insured Professionals
You are covered. All LawnStarter pros are required to carry liability insurance.
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Hundreds of Raving Reviews
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Why LawnStarter?

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Lawn mowing, trimming, and edging. LawnStarter can do this Teh other guys can do this
Personalized service and quality results. LawnStarter can do this Teh other guys can do this
Offers fertilization, treatments, and cleanups. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Mobile app for ordering and payments. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Reliable scheduled service. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Customer support - phone, app, chat. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Change pros with the click of a button. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this

Happy customers all over Eugene

They always do an amazing job! They always treat our yard like it's their own.
Mauricio did an awesome job. The yard looks great it was edged than trimmed nicely . We really appreciate the expedient service we would like to continue to use the service. Thanks again. You always do an awesome job. We really appreciate your courtesy and all that you do
Nathan did a great job. He came right away, was extremely professional, courteous, and did a thorough job on the lawn. Hope to have him work on the property again in the future.

Eugene, OR - Jun 1, 2024
Local Lawn Care Facts & Resources

Lawn tip of the week

Did you know? There are approximately 50 million acres of grass in the United States. Approximately 21 million of those acres are in our front and back yards.

Grass Cutting Height Preferences

Long (6-7 inches) 2%
Medium (4-5 inches) 19%
Short (2-3 inches) 79%

Lawn Care Facts

Average Customer Review 4.7 / 5.0
Weekly Cuts 22%
Biweekly Cuts 57%
Monthly Cuts 21%
Lawns Fertilized 4%
Lawns with Leaf Removal 7%
Aerated Lawns 12%
Yards with Cleanups 6%
Days That Are Sunny 77%

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An app for lawn care, seriously? You betcha! Stay up‑to‑date on your lawn wherever you go.

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Easy, Affordable Lawn Care Services in Eugene

Eugene is a great city for the arts and outdoors, but how does your personal outdoor space measure up? An uneven, weed-covered lawn isn’t the best canvas for backyard barbecues or front yard frolicking.

Here’s how LawnStarter can help. We’ll track down the perfect TrackTown pro to meet your needs. We know how to turn a work-in-progress lawn into a work of art with mowing, fertilization, and weed control. The hot, dry summers and gloomy winter rainstorms are no match for our local expertise.

Best Grass Types for Eugene

Because of the colder winters in the Pacific Northwest, the best grass types are cool-season. Cool-season grasses grow most in the fall and spring. Though they struggle with hot, dry weather, some varieties are more drought-resistant than others.

Any turfgrass in Eugene needs to survive the winter frost and hot, dry summers. Below are the top choices for the Emerald City:

  • Perennial Ryegrass: This fast-germinating grass is a great low-maintenance option. It feels pleasant to walk on and also holds up to foot traffic.
  • Fine Fescue: Well-adapted to Eugene’s cool, humid winters, this turfgrass has good drought tolerance and tolerates partial shade.
  • Tall Fescue: While it’s slow to fill in gaps, its low maintenance needs and great drought tolerance make it a popular choice. It’s also resistant to fungal dollar spot.

How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn? It depends on the time of year. Mow at least once per week from the spring to fall. Mow around once a month in the winter when growth slows, and don’t mow dry grass if the fire danger is high.

Common Lawn Pests and Diseases in Eugene

Eugenians love nature, but sometimes nature doesn’t love us back. A pest or disease infestation can decimate your lawn if you don’t identify and treat it. Here are some unfriendly neighbors you might encounter in your yard:

  • Crane Fly Larvae: Also called leatherjackets, these larvae live in the soil under your lawn and eat roots until they reach adulthood, resulting in thin grass and dead patches.
  • Gophers: They’re most active in the spring and fall, digging holes all over your lawn and garden.
  • Sod Webworms: If you see moths flitting above your lawn at night, it could be adult sod webworms laying eggs. As larvae, they’ll eat your lawn’s roots and leave brown spots in their wake.
  • Dollar Spot: This common spring disease causes silver-dollar-sized brown and beige spots that grow larger over time. Drought, excess thatch, improper mowing, and nutrient deficiencies can contribute to dollar spot infections.
  • Rust: Named for its reddish-brown appearance, leaf rust attacks stressed or malnourished lawns. It’s most common in the fall.

Other Outdoor Services We Offer

Lawn mowing is just the start. Our pros offer several other services to complete your yard work checklist.

  • Leaf Removal: Fall is stunning in Eugene, but those leaves must go somewhere. Our pros will clear them all away, whether they’re crisp or soggy.
  • Bush Trimming: The rainy weather keeps vegetation happy β€” maybe too happy. If your bushes and shrubs have grown out of control, our pros will reign them in.
  • Hardscaping: Our pros can turn your backyard into the perfect hangout spot with a patio, firepit, or walkway. Don’t forget permeable pavers for rainwater to pass through.

Whether you live in South Eugene, Jefferson Westside, or Santa Clara, LawnStarter is happy to serve you. Our pros have the local know-how to tackle everything from summer drought to unexpected snow. 

Get your personalized quotes through our website, phone, or mobile app today.

Meet some of our Eugene pros

Trophy for Top Performer Top Performer
 Profile Photo
Award for Top
Top Pro
Colts Lawn Care
, Eugene, OR 97401
"Transforming outdoor spaces into a paradise with the help of Colts Lawn Care. From lawn mowing, edging, and hedge trimming to fertilization, overseeding, and aeration, the company will enhance the quality of your yard. The company also provides leaf-blowing and landscape lighting services. Colts Lawn Care is based in Eugene."
Trophy for In High Demand In High Demand
Reese Family R. Profile Photo
Reese Family R.
Award for Rising
Rising Star 2024
Reese Landscapes
, Eugene, OR
"Serving Eugence since 1986, Reese Landscapes helps home and business owners restore the beauty of their yards with their lawn care solutions. They will mow, edge, trim, weed, rake, and fertilize your lawn for you. They also handle blowing and complete removal of leaves, debris, and clippings after every visit. They also help with irrigation, landscaping, fencing, hardscaping, and lighting."
Trophy for Fast Response Fast Response
Jordan L. Profile Photo
Jordan L.
Award for Top
Top Pro
, Eugene, OR 97402
"Since the establishment of Rexius, they have consistently revolutionized lawn care in Eugene and its surrounding areas. Their commitment to innovation goes beyond trendy gimmicks. They invest in research and development, well-trimmed and mowed lawns with eco-friendly technologies that deliver exceptional results while safeguarding the environment."

Recent Reviews

We encourage feedback from all customers to ensure we are delivering the best service possible.

"He did an amazing job."
Reggie D. - Apr 15, 2024 - Eugene, OR
Lawn Service by
Perennial Landscaping
"He did an excellent job!"
Fredricka C. - Mar 19, 2024 - Eugene, OR
Lawn Care by
Anywhere Yard Care
"They were great!"
Cory J. - Mar 14, 2024 - Eugene, OR
Lawn Care by
"Looks amazing!"
Robert M. - Feb 22, 2024 - Eugene, OR
Lawn Service by Aditya Lutz
Lawn & Yard Companyy
"They always do an amazing job! They always treat our yard like it's their own."
Peter N. - Feb 22, 2024 - Eugene, OR
Lawn Mowing by Aditya Lutz
Lawn & Yard Companyy
"Mauricio did an awesome job. The yard looks great it was edged than trimmed nicely . We really appreciate the expedient service we would like to continue to use the service. Thanks again. You always do an awesome job. We really appreciate your courtesy and all that you do"
Kaiya S. - Feb 22, 2024 - Eugene, OR
Lawn Maintenance by Aditya Lutz
Lawn & Yard Companyy
"Thank you for trimming the weeds that were lining the gutter. They were left last time and made the lawn look like it wasn't mowed even though it was. It's in the details."
Charlie H. - Feb 22, 2024 - Eugene, OR
"Brooks was extremely friendly and informative. Extremely happy over here"
Laura B. - Feb 22, 2024 - Eugene, OR
"Philip did a great job and was responsive to any concerns I had."
Evelyne W. - Feb 22, 2024 - Eugene, OR
"All look great but make I ask that they bag the grass they cut? Thank you."
Gerrand L. - Feb 22, 2024 - Eugene, OR
"The lawn is well manicured. Keep up the good work. Thank you."
Steven C. - Feb 22, 2024 - Eugene, OR
"Did a great job and cleaned up well!"
Angela M. - Feb 22, 2024 - Eugene, OR
"Amazing! Thank you for doing another awesome job!"
Renae B. - Jan 23, 2024 - Eugene, OR
Lawn Mowing by Aditya Lutz (Lawn & Yard Companyy)
"Please cut a little shorter and do not move sprinklers."
Debra V. - Jan 23, 2024 - Eugene, OR
Lawn Maintenance
"Shows up early, is quick and efficient and does great on the majority of the yard. But still hasn't gotten the back walkway (it is hard to notice its there), its rather long now. And wondering if cutting down elephant eats in front edge can be done for extra charge?"
Swati D. - Jan 23, 2024 - Eugene, OR
Lawn Service
"Lawn looks amazing! Beautiful job guys!"
Mike R. - Jan 23, 2024 - Eugene, OR
Lawn Mowing Service
Page: 1 / 4

Service Recommendations in Eugene

LawnStarter pros will let you know what your lawn needs. Here are some recent recommendations for lawn care services in Eugene, OR.

Pro Recommendation for Yard Cleaning

Location Icon
Location: Eugene, OR
Yard Size Icon
Yard Size: 11,161 square feet
Price Icon
Price: $91.46
Additional Details Icon
Location (from the street): Full yard Pick up all branches, twigs and leaves and haul away.

Pro Recommendation for General Cleanup

Location Icon
Location: Eugene, OR
Yard Size Icon
Yard Size: 8,277 square feet
Price Icon
Price: $396.34
Additional Details Icon
Location (from the street): Front yard Grass and Garden will weed flowerbeds and apply weed prevention treatments, trim hedges and haul away debris.

Pro Recommendation for Flower Bed Weeding

Location Icon
Location: Eugene, OR
Yard Size Icon
Yard Size: 4,209 square feet
Price Icon
Price: $50
Additional Details Icon
Location (from the street): Full yard, Right side I will remove weeds from flower bed and spray weed killer to prevent new ones from coming in.

The Lawntrepreneur Scholarship

The Lawntrepreneur Scholarship is our way of giving back to the up and coming young entrepreneurs in the Eugene, OR area.

Top Eugene, OR Lawn Services of June 2024

Jason D. Profile Photo
Jason D.
PAH Weed and Pest
Eugene, OR 97402
Yearning for a lawn that sparks neighborhood admiration? PAH Weed and Pest stands as your local authority in lawn care. Deeply rooted in the community since 2021, they possess an intimate understanding of local lawn challenges and needs. Their passionate team of experienced professionals transforms landscapes, crafting beautiful, healthy lawns, and exceeding expectations through personalized service. Aside from lawn care services, PAH Weed and Pest can also provide other services which include pest control and snow removal services.
 Profile Photo
Gran Master Cleaning Co Inc & Associates Affilated with Blackmen Bluemen Lawncare Property Management
Eugene, OR
Gran Master Cleaning provides upkeep for residential and commercial properties in Eugene and surrounding areas. They handle mowing, edging, trimming, blowing, pruning, cleaning, and sprinkler system installations. Their services are available one-time or on a weekly basis.
 Profile Photo
Sergio's Lawn Care
Eugene, OR
Sergio's Lawn Care creates beautiful and lush lawns in Eugene and surrounding areas. This family-owned and operated company provides home and business owners which routine mowing, edging, and trimming to maintain their lawns. They will also handle cleaning up your yards.
 Profile Photo
Brett Herman's Lawn & Garden
Eugene, OR 97401
Let Brett Herman's Lawn & Garden take care of your lawn care service needs. From cozy home lawns to commercial ones, the company provides comprehensive lawn care solutions designed to enhance any environment. The company serves the residents of Eugene and nearby areas. It was founded in 2009.
 Profile Photo
Tony'S Lawn Care Services
Eugene, OR 97404
Imagine stepping out your back door and being greeted by a lush, vibrant lawn that's the pride of the block. At Tony's Lawn Care, they turn lawn dreams into reality. Their customized lawn care programs are designed to address home and business owners' needs in and out of Eugene. Whether you're looking for a lawn mowing solution or a complete lawn makeover and treatment service, Tony's Lawn Care can handle it all.
Jordan L. Profile Photo
Jordan L.
Eugene, OR 97402
Since the establishment of Rexius, they have consistently revolutionized lawn care in Eugene and its surrounding areas. Their commitment to innovation goes beyond trendy gimmicks. They invest in research and development, well-trimmed and mowed lawns with eco-friendly technologies that deliver exceptional results while safeguarding the environment.
 Profile Photo
PNW Landscapes
Eugene, OR 97402
PNW Landscapes will enhance the value and beauty of your outdoor space in Eugene. The company offers a wide range of lawn care and maintenance services, including lawn mowing, sod installation, fertilization, weeding, and leaf removal. On top of that, the company offers lawn repair, lawn removal, and landscaping services.
 Profile Photo
Perennial Landscaping
Eugene, OR 97401
Perennial Landscaping will enhance the beauty of your lawn in Eugene and surrounding communities. Whether for residential or commercial spaces, the company extends its expertise in delivering lawn care and maintenance services tailored to your needs. Perennial Landscaping also provides sod installation, landscaping, planting, and fence installation.
Recent Customer Review:
"He did an amazing job."
 Profile Photo
Garten Eugene
Eugene, OR 97402
Does your lawn look more like a weed patch than a vibrant green oasis? Garten Eugene is here to help. This Eugene-based company offers comprehensive lawn care services, which include lawn mowing, treatment, and others to eliminate unwanted intruders and keep your lawn looking its best. Their eco-friendly methods are safe for your family and pets, so you can relax and enjoy your beautiful green space.
Ron P. Profile Photo
Ron P.
Tender Earth Yard Care
Eugene, OR 97402
Founded by Ron, Tender Earth Yard Care is a Eugene-based, locally owned, and operated company dedicated to providing lawn care solutions. With over 35 years of industry experience, their professionals mow lawns, do spring and fall cleanups, and perform leaf removal. Beyond these essentials, they specialize in weed prevention, meticulous landscape maintenance, fertilization and lime applications, delicate tree pruning, and an array of other lawn care services.
 Profile Photo
Yard Masters Landscape Maintenance
Eugene, OR 97402
Founded in 2011, Yard Masters Landscape Maintenance is a locally owned and operated company that specializes in turning Eugene backyards into havens. Their experienced team offers a comprehensive range of services, including landscape design and installation, hardscaping solutions, and specialized services like shrub and tree planting, artificial turf installation, and even water features. Additionally, Yard Masters Landscape Maintenance has an A-plus rating from the BBB.
 Profile Photo
Scotts Lawn Services
Eugene, OR
Scotts Lawn Services provides services to residential and commercial clients in Eugene and the surrounding areas. Their services include routine mowing, edging, aeration, fertilization, blowing, and trimming. Scotts Lawn Services also cleans up yards in the spring and fall.
 Profile Photo
4 Seasons Landscaping & Maintenance
Eugene, OR 97402
Since its inception in 1993, 4 Seasons Landscaping and Maintenance, a locally owned and operated company has been catering to residents in Eugene and its nearby areas. This local company specializes in a variety of lawn care solutions like mowing and more for residential and commercial property owners. The company offers irrigation and landscaping services in addition to lawn care services. Feel free to reach out to them for a free quotes.
 Profile Photo
Logan's Outdoor
Eugene, OR 97408
With its various lawn care services, Logan's Outdoor will elevate your outdoor living experience in Eugene to new heights. The company offers lawn mowing, edging, fertilization, aeration, dethatching, weeding, and weed control. On top of that, the company provides leaf cleanup, blowing, tree removal, and season cleanup solutions. Other services include landscape installation, hardscaping, and irrigation.
 Profile Photo
Reese Landscapes
Eugene, OR 97402
Established in Dan Reese, Reese Landscapes has served the Eugene community for years. Their family-owned business understands the value of a healthy, vibrant lawn, not just for aesthetics but as a place for families and communities to thrive. Their team of experts, many with decades of experience, utilizes proven techniques and high-quality products to create lush landscapes that stand the test of time. Additionally, Reese Landscapes has offered over 15000 lawn care needs to its customers since its inception.
 Profile Photo
Gc Landscape Services
Eugene, OR 97402
Tired of spending your weekends battling weeds and struggling to get your grass green? GC Landscape Services can help. This locally owned and operated lawn care service provider is dedicated to providing lawn mowing, fertilization, weed control, aeration, and edging. Their team of certified professionals will work closely with you to understand your unique lawn needs and develop a customized plan to achieve your desired results.
 Profile Photo
Landscape Service by Steward Property Management
Eugene, OR
With Landscape Service by Steward Property Management, your lawn will know the difference. This Eugene-based company handles everything from weekly mowing, edging, and trimming to more specialized services such as fertilization, aeration, overseeding, and thatching. Beyond that, they prune shrubs and hedges, remove leaves and debris, and pressure wash all hard surfaces.
 Profile Photo
Tonys Lawn & Home Care
Eugene, OR
Tonys Lawn & Home Care will create a beautiful outdoor space for you with their lawn care services. Serving home and business owners in Eugene and surrounding areas, they provide routine mowing, trimming, edging, blowing, and weeding. They also help with junk and debris removal and roof cleaning.
 Profile Photo
Bakers Lawn&Garden
Eugene, OR 97401
With over 21 years of experience in the lawn care business, Bakers Lawn and Garden has been providing services to customers in Eugene and its surrounding communities. This local company’s lawn maintenance solutions include trimming, mowing, fertilization, aeration, and more for residential and commercial buildings.
 Profile Photo
GrassRoots Landscape Company
Eugene, OR 97401
GrassRoots Landscape Company is a family-owned and operated company that believes in creating beautiful lawns without harming the environment in the Eugene community and its surrounding areas. That is why they use eco-friendly methods and products that are safe for your family, pets, and the planet. They offer a variety of services, including lawn mowing, irrigation, organic fertilization, lawn treatment, and weed control all designed to nourish your lawn and protect the environment.

Neighborhoods we service in Eugene, OR

Bushnell W
Central Valley
Dilley - Matthews Road
Fern Ridge
Fox Hollow
Golden Garden
Idle Wheels - Parkside
Ivy Meadows
Malabar Hill
Norkenzie Road
Pattison - Jacobs - Marshall
Port Street
South of Kendra
Southeast Eugene
Tivoli - Streetark
Woodland Park

Nearby Locations