Florence, SC lawn care service at the click of a button

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Why LawnStarter?

5 Minute Setup
View pricing, choose your options, and schedule service in 5 minutes or less.
Online Account Management
Payment, scheduling, feedback... all done through a convenient app.
All Services Covered
Lawn mowing, fertilization, bush trimming, weeding and more. We can do it all.
Fully Insured Professionals
You are covered. All LawnStarter pros are required to carry liability insurance.
Quality Service
We ask you to rate each service to make sure you are satisfied.
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Hundreds of Raving Reviews
Don't take our word for it... read our five star reviews on Google and Shopper Approved!

Why LawnStarter?

Feature LawnStarter Logo The Other
Lawn mowing, trimming, and edging. LawnStarter can do this Teh other guys can do this
Personalized service and quality results. LawnStarter can do this Teh other guys can do this
Offers fertilization, treatments, and cleanups. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Mobile app for ordering and payments. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Reliable scheduled service. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Customer support - phone, app, chat. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Change pros with the click of a button. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this

Happy customers all over Florence

Very concientious and very flexible with scheduling. The messaging communication is excellent
John did a fantastic job, even better than I had hoped. It was a huge amount of work, and he did it by himself, even more impressive. I'm very pleased with the results, and John could not have been nicer or easier to work with. I look forward to working with him again!
Robert is always courteous and attentive when mowing my lawn. I never have a complaint when finished. Grass is lined up perfectly. No debris on my walkway or patio. Great service.

Florence, SC - Jun 12, 2024
Local Lawn Care Facts & Resources

Lawn tip of the week

Did you know? There are approximately 50 million acres of grass in the United States. Approximately 21 million of those acres are in our front and back yards.

Popular Grass Types in Florence

Bermudagrass 53%
Tall Fescue 22%
Centipedegrass 10%
Zoysiagrass 5%
Perennial Ryegrass 5%
Kentucky Bluegrass 4%
Buffalograss 1%

Grass Cutting Height Preferences

Long (6-7 inches) 3%
Medium (4-5 inches) 21%
Short (2-3 inches) 77%

Lawn Care Facts

Average Customer Review 5 / 5.0
Weekly Cuts 27%
Biweekly Cuts 57%
Monthly Cuts 16%
Lawns Fertilized 6%
Lawns with Leaf Removal 12%
Aerated Lawns 12%
Yards with Cleanups 4%
Days That Are Sunny 59%

Take your lawn on the go.

An app for lawn care, seriously? You betcha! Stay up‑to‑date on your lawn wherever you go.

LawnStarter's Mobile App

Easy, Affordable Lawn Care Services in Florence

Whether you’re showing your respect by visiting the Florence Veterans Park or having a few sips out of a souvenir jar from the Straw Hat Distillery, this small town has big city attractions. You wouldn’t want to miss any of it while stuck at home doing lawn chores.

Magic City has its fair share of heat, cold, humidity, and even occasional droughts. LawnStarter’s pros can adjust to the seasonal shifts and give your lawn the care it needs so it adapts, too.

Our pros mow, fertilize, aerate, and more so you can spend more time enjoying an outdoor market or art show in the Pee Dee region.

Here's what lawn care looks like in Florence:

Best Grass Types for Florence

Warm-season grass types are suitable for the soil and climate in Florence County. The best varieties include:

  • Centipedegrass: The area’s high humidity means routine upkeep is needed to manage this turf’s vulnerability to pests and diseases, but its slow growth rate means it also requires less mowing and fertilization.
  • Bermudagrass: Adapting well to the hot summers and droughts, this variety has a deep root structure, which also makes it erosion-resistant.
  • Zoysiagrass: This flexible grass type that adjusts to sun, shade, drought, and humidity.

How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn? Our experts recommend mowing once a week from the late spring to late fall. For more aggressive varieties, like bermudagrass, you may have to mow every five days.

Common Lawn Pests and Diseases in Florence

Although Magic City experiences icy temperatures, mild weather is never far away. The high humidity encourages lawn insects and fungi. Common nuisances include:

  • Chewing Pests: Insects, like sod webworms, feed on grass, leading it to wilt and brown.   
  • Sucking Insects: These nuisances suck the juices from grass blades, leaving the grass yellow and brown. 
  • Fungal Diseases: Humidity-loving fungi damage lawns. Common diseases include karnal bunt, gray leaf spot, and powdery mildew. 

Other Outdoor Services We Offer 

LawnStarter Pros do more than mow, trim, edge, and fertilize. Our experts repair lawns, install irrigation systems, and more.

  • Lawn Renovation: Our pros conduct soil tests to identify nutrient deficiencies, so they can make amendments to transform your grass into the lawn of your dreams. 
  • Irrigation Installation: We install smart watering systems that help you conserve water and irrigate more efficiently. 
  • Personalized Landscaping: Consult with our experts to design an outdoor space that matches your unique tastes and your home’s style.

If you want to spend more time exploring the natural areas and beautiful parks of Pee Dee Country, leave your lawn chores to LawnStarter’s pros. Our experts will ensure your yard is well-kept and inviting when you return home.

Call, click, or download the LawnStarter app today for free personalized quotes. No matter your lawn care or landscaping needs, get them done fast and at an affordable price with LawnStarter.

Meet some of our Florence pros

Trophy for Top Performer Top Performer
Brian Osbourn Profile Photo
Brian Osbourn
Award for Top
Top Pro
The Wizards of Oz Jobs
2212 South Main Street, Florence, SC 29501
"Hi! We are the Wizards of Oz Jobs, a husband and wife team that has been together for almost 20 years now. Our goal is to help beautify your landscape in as many ways as you will allow us to help. We love being outside with our family and friends, and there is no better way to do this than when you have a beautifully manicured lawn you're happy to show off. So, be it weekly trimming and mowing or a complete overhaul, give us a try. We will work hard to earn your trust and ease your outdoor burden."
Trophy for In High Demand In High Demand
 Profile Photo
Award for Rising
Rising Star 2024
Martin's Lawn Care, Landscaping & Irrigation
, Florence, SC 29501
"Martins Lawn Care, Landscaping, and Irrigation, LLC, a veteran-owned company, has been taking care of residential and commercial lawns for more than 20 years. This company is headquartered in Florence, and they provide a series of lawn care services ranging from lawn mowing to edging, trimming, lawn cleanups, and many more. Martins Lawn Care, Landscaping and Irrigation, LLC is fully licensed, bonded, and insured, and they also offer irrigation and landscaping services."
Trophy for Fast Response Fast Response
 Profile Photo
Award for Top
Top Pro
Mashack's Landscape and Maintenance Service
, Florence, SC 29501
"Step into a verdant world with Mashacks Landscape and Maintenance Service in Florence. They specialize in comprehensive lawn care, offering services such as mowing, sod installation, edging, seeding, and treatment. Beyond lawn care, they can also design, install, and maintain irrigation systems and landscaping features."

Recent Reviews

We encourage feedback from all customers to ensure we are delivering the best service possible.

Ruth W.'s Lawn Service service result
"Very concientious and very flexible with scheduling. The messaging communication is excellent"
Ruth W. - Feb 03, 2024 - Florence, SC
Lawn Service by Aditya Lutz
Lawn & Yard Companyy
Uki J.'s Yard Cutting service result
"Robert is always courteous and attentive when mowing my lawn. I never have a complaint when finished. Grass is lined up perfectly. No debris on my walkway or patio. Great service. "
Uki J. - Feb 03, 2024 - Florence, SC
Yard Cutting by Aditya Lutz
Lawn & Yard Companyy
Matt V.'s Lawn Maintenance service result
"John did a fantastic job, even better than I had hoped. It was a huge amount of work, and he did it by himself, even more impressive. I'm very pleased with the results, and John could not have been nicer or easier to work with. I look forward to working with him again!"
Matt V. - Feb 03, 2024 - Florence, SC
Lawn Maintenance by Aditya Lutz
Lawn & Yard Companyy
"Great job Charles!"
Randall W. - Feb 03, 2024 - Florence, SC
"The lawn looks outstanding! I couldn't be more pleased!"
Robert D R. - Feb 03, 2024 - Florence, SC
"Looks great!"
Charles F. - Feb 03, 2024 - Florence, SC
"Great guy-great job"
Scott K. - Feb 03, 2024 - Florence, SC
"Austin was da bomb"
Jessica J. - Feb 03, 2024 - Florence, SC
"Did great job first time and continues to prove himself to be a great lawn man. I will always look forward to seeing him. Fast, friendly, and efficient service for my yard."
Roscoe T. - Jan 04, 2024 - Florence, SC
Lawn Maintenance by Aditya Lutz
Lawn & Yard Companyy
"Excellent job to n the lawn Brian! Edges are clean and lawn is evenly mowed."
Andrew C. - Jan 04, 2024 - Florence, SC
Lawn Maintenance by Aditya Lutz
Lawn & Yard Companyy
"Amazing job! Thank you!"
Howard E. - Jan 04, 2024 - Florence, SC
Yard Cutting by Aditya Lutz
Lawn & Yard Companyy
"Lawn looks great. Thank you for taking good care of it"
Mohammed M. - Jan 04, 2024 - Florence, SC
"The lawn looks great! Thank you so much!"
Roxanna W. - Jan 04, 2024 - Florence, SC
Lawn Service
"Looks Greaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttttt!!!!!"
Leah D. - Jan 04, 2024 - Florence, SC
Yard Cutting
"Good Job on the lawn and showed up on time"
Stephanie C. - Jan 04, 2024 - Florence, SC
Lawn Service
"Backyard looks great! Thank you"
Christina M. - Jan 04, 2024 - Florence, SC
Yard Cutting
Page: 1 / 4

The Lawntrepreneur Scholarship

The Lawntrepreneur Scholarship is our way of giving back to the up and coming young entrepreneurs in the Florence, SC area.

Top Florence, SC Lawn Services of June 2024

Brian Osbourn Profile Photo
Brian Osbourn
The Wizards of Oz Jobs
2212 South Main Street, Florence, SC 29501
Hi! We are the Wizards of Oz Jobs, a husband and wife team that has been together for almost 20 years now. Our goal is to help beautify your landscape in as many ways as you will allow us to help. We love being outside with our family and friends, and there is no better way to do this than when you have a beautifully manicured lawn you're happy to show off. So, be it weekly trimming and mowing or a complete overhaul, give us a try. We will work hard to earn your trust and ease your outdoor burden.
 Profile Photo
Martin's Lawn Care, Landscaping & Irrigation
Florence, SC 29501
Martins Lawn Care, Landscaping, and Irrigation, LLC, a veteran-owned company, has been taking care of residential and commercial lawns for more than 20 years. This company is headquartered in Florence, and they provide a series of lawn care services ranging from lawn mowing to edging, trimming, lawn cleanups, and many more. Martins Lawn Care, Landscaping and Irrigation, LLC is fully licensed, bonded, and insured, and they also offer irrigation and landscaping services.
 Profile Photo
Mashack's Landscape and Maintenance Service
Florence, SC 29501
Step into a verdant world with Mashacks Landscape and Maintenance Service in Florence. They specialize in comprehensive lawn care, offering services such as mowing, sod installation, edging, seeding, and treatment. Beyond lawn care, they can also design, install, and maintain irrigation systems and landscaping features.
 Profile Photo
ILD Innovative Landscape Design
Florence, SC 29501
If you need help maintaining your lawn, ILD Innovative Landscape Design can come to your rescue. This full-service company has been serving the Florence area for more than 10 years. Their lawn care services include regular lawn mowing, comprehensive weed control, and many other maintenance services. ILD Innovative Landscape Design also offers landscaping design, irrigation, lighting, and building maintenance.
 Profile Photo
Ward's Lawn Service & Landscaping
Florence, SC 29501
From mowing to weed control, lawn treatment, trimming, and edging services, Ward's Lawn Service and Landscaping LLC has all it takes to transform lawns in and around Florence into green oases. This company has been in operation for more than 30 years, and they have the tools and manpower needed to maintain residential and commercial lawns. Ward's Lawn Service and Landscaping LLC services also extend to landscaping and fencing.
 Profile Photo
Hatchell Landscape
Florence, SC 29501
With a legacy spanning over 50 years, Hatchell Landscape stands as a family-owned and operated business renowned for its comprehensive lawn care services. Located in Florence, they provide cutting-edge lawn care solutions to both residential and commercial properties across Florence County and nearby regions. Additionally, they hold proper licensing and insurance and have earned an A-plus rating from the BBB.

Neighborhoods we service in Florence, SC

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