Kaukauna, WI lawn care service at the click of a button

The easy way to get lawn mowing and more from the top lawn pros in Kaukauna.

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Why LawnStarter?

5 Minute Setup
View pricing, choose your options, and schedule service in 5 minutes or less.
Online Account Management
Payment, scheduling, feedback... all done through a convenient app.
All Services Covered
Lawn mowing, fertilization, bush trimming, weeding and more. We can do it all.
Fully Insured Professionals
You are covered. All LawnStarter pros are required to carry liability insurance.
Quality Service
We ask you to rate each service to make sure you are satisfied.
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Hundreds of Raving Reviews
Don't take our word for it... read our five star reviews on Google and Shopper Approved!

Why LawnStarter?

Feature LawnStarter Logo The Other
Lawn mowing, trimming, and edging. LawnStarter can do this Teh other guys can do this
Personalized service and quality results. LawnStarter can do this Teh other guys can do this
Offers fertilization, treatments, and cleanups. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Mobile app for ordering and payments. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Reliable scheduled service. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Customer support - phone, app, chat. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Change pros with the click of a button. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this

Happy customers all over Kaukauna

Great job as usual on the lawn! Always cut well and excellent communication!
Robert did a FANTASTIC job! I really appreciate the job well done! Super happy I got to meet him and know he will be taking care of things for me! Thank you Robert
You are amazing and never disappoint! Have a wonderful,safe d

Kaukauna, WI - Jun 11, 2024
Local Lawn Care Facts & Resources

Lawn tip of the week

Did you know? There are approximately 50 million acres of grass in the United States. Approximately 21 million of those acres are in our front and back yards.

Grass Cutting Height Preferences

Long (6-7 inches) 4%
Medium (4-5 inches) 30%
Short (2-3 inches) 66%

Lawn Care Facts

Average Customer Review 4.9 / 5.0
Weekly Cuts 20%
Biweekly Cuts 48%
Monthly Cuts 32%
Lawns Fertilized 7%
Lawns with Leaf Removal 10%
Aerated Lawns 11%
Yards with Cleanups 11%
Days That Are Sunny 53%

Take your lawn on the go.

An app for lawn care, seriously? You betcha! Stay up‑to‑date on your lawn wherever you go.

LawnStarter's Mobile App

Reliable, Top-Notch Lawn Care Services in Kaukauna

We experience a range of weather in Kaukauna that can challenge even the most seasoned gardener. That's where LawnStarter comes in, offering customized lawn care services tailored to the rainy climate.

From precise mowing to detailed trimming and edging, we've got your lawn care needs covered. Plus, with our help, you'll have time to spend picnicking at Jonen Park or having drinks with friends at the local grill.

Here’s what lawn care looks like in Kaukauna:

Best Grass Types for Kaukauna 

Kuakuana's rainy climate is ideal for cool-season grasses. These grasses thrive in cooler temperatures and grow vigorously during the spring and fall. Our pros recommend:

  • Kentucky Bluegrass: Highly popular for its lush, dense growth and excellent cold tolerance.
  • Fine Fescue: This grass thrives in cooler temperatures and shaded areas.
  • Perennial Ryegrass: Valued for its quick germination and establishment, it provides a thick, green lawn.
  • Tall Fescue: Adaptable to a range of conditions, this grass is known for its deep root system, making it resilient and adaptable.

How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn? Mowi weekly, ideally when your grass is about three inches tall to maintain a healthy lawn.

Common Lawn Pests and Diseases in Kaukauna

Kuakuana's diverse climate invites various lawn pests and diseases, which can damage the health and appearance of your lawn. Watch out for:

  • Grubs: These larvae feed on grass roots, causing yellow patches.
  • Brown Patch: A fungal disease that creates circular brown spots in humid conditions.
  • Dandelions: While not a pest, these common weeds can overrun lawns if not managed.

Other Outdoor Services We Offer

Instead of spending your weekends battling lawn pests, why not explore Kuakuana's scenic bike trails? LawnStarter's professionals can take care of your lawn with services like:

  • Fertilization: Our experts will nourish your lawn, ensuring it stays green and healthy.
  • Aeration: This process allows air and water to penetrate the soil, promoting stronger roots.
  • Bush Trimming: Our pros keep your bushes neat, enhancing your home's curb appeal.
  • Landscaping: Our pros will incorporate Wisconsin's native plants into your garden for a sustainable, low-maintenance landscape.

Hiring LawnStarter helps you save time and ensures professional care for your lawn, allowing you time to enjoy Kuakuana's local charm and activities.

LawnStarter is just a call, click, or tap away on our mobile app. Contact us for your free quotes today.

Meet some of our Kaukauna pros

 Profile Photo
Roy Knott Trucking offers different services to meet your needs, including lawn care. Based in Kaukauna and serving the Fox Valley area, they provide lawn mowing to keep your yard looking lively and refreshed. Additionally, they offer demolition and excavation services, covering both small and large-scale projects.
Roy Knott Trucking
Kaukauna, WI 54130
 Profile Photo
Bob and Dave's Lawn and Landscape offers a wide range of lawn care services to keep your outdoor space looking great in Kaukuna. The service includes lawn mowing, fertilization, weed control, lawn aeration, and spring and fall cleanups. On top of that, the company offers debris cleanup and construction, landscaping, tree and shrub care, perimeter insect control, mosquito control, and snow removal services. Bob and Dave’s Lawn and Landscape Maintenance proudly serves the entire state of Wisconsin.
Bob & Dave's Lawn & Landscape
Kaukauna, WI 54130
 Profile Photo
Vanderloop Landscaping provides services that will transform your dull-looking yard. Serving Kaukauna and neighboring communities since 2000, this family-owned and operated company offers lawn care essentials such as mowing and mulching to revitalize your green spaces. They also handle landscaping and hardscaping, offering a complete package to enhance the beauty and functionality of your outdoor area.
Vanderloop Landscaping
Kaukauna, WI 54130

Recent Reviews

We encourage feedback from all customers to ensure we are delivering the best service possible.

"Looks great, thank you."
Peter B. - Mar 19, 2024 - Kaukauna, WI
Lawn Care by
Vanderloop Landscaping
"They did a very good job on my woman's yard."
Patrick S. - Mar 12, 2024 - Kaukauna, WI
Grass Cutting by
Landscape Construction Systems
"Service quality still remains great, always spot on."
Robert Z. - Mar 04, 2024 - Kaukauna, WI
Yard Cutting by
Landscape Construction Systems
"Robert did a FANTASTIC job! I really appreciate the job well done! Super happy I got to meet him and know he will be taking care of things for me! Thank you Robert"
Jennifer B. - Feb 21, 2024 - Kaukauna, WI
Lawn Mowing Service by Aditya Lutz
Lawn & Yard Companyy
"Great job as usual on the lawn! Always cut well and excellent communication!"
Heidi M. - Feb 21, 2024 - Kaukauna, WI
Yard Cutting by Aditya Lutz
Lawn & Yard Companyy
"Beautiful as always"
Mara S. - Feb 21, 2024 - Kaukauna, WI
Lawn Care by Aditya Lutz
Lawn & Yard Companyy
"I enjoy the automated service."
Stephanie W. - Feb 21, 2024 - Kaukauna, WI
"Juan did an excellent job. The lawn looks great. Thanks for doing it in time."
Matthew R. - Feb 21, 2024 - Kaukauna, WI
"Looks great!"
Britton M. - Feb 21, 2024 - Kaukauna, WI
"Great job! Thanks."
Francisco G. - Feb 21, 2024 - Kaukauna, WI
Marilyn B. - Feb 21, 2024 - Kaukauna, WI
"Nice attention to detail. good mow and edging. happy with the job."
Kenneth J. - Feb 21, 2024 - Kaukauna, WI
"Juan did an excellent job. The lawn looks great. Thanks for doing it in time."
Matthew R. - Feb 21, 2024 - Kaukauna, WI
Lawn Mowing
"You are amazing and never disappoint! Have a wonderful,safe d"
Nena L. - Jan 22, 2024 - Kaukauna, WI
Lawn Mowing by Aditya Lutz (Lawn & Yard Companyy)
"Justin did a really good job. My yard was past due for a mowing and he got it back in shape. He mowed, trimmed, cleaned up and it all looks great. Plus he was courteous and professional which makes it even better! I'm really happy with my lawn service. "
Phoebe R. - Jan 22, 2024 - Kaukauna, WI
Lawn Care by Aditya Lutz (Lawn & Yard Companyy)
"Fabulous job as always"
Tina C. - Jan 22, 2024 - Kaukauna, WI
Lawn Mowing
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Service Recommendations in Kaukauna

LawnStarter pros will let you know what your lawn needs. Here are some recent recommendations for lawn care services in Kaukauna, WI.

Pro Recommendation for General Landscaping / Maintenance

Location Icon
Location: Kaukauna, WI
Yard Size Icon
Yard Size: 10,470 square feet
Price Icon
Price: $487.8
Additional Details Icon
Location (from the street): Back yard Mowing overgrown grass on backyard this doesn't include bagging clippings, property is huge huge

Pro Recommendation for Yard And Flowerbed Cleaning

Location Icon
Location: Kaukauna, WI
Yard Size Icon
Yard Size: 7,531 square feet
Price Icon
Price: $87.8
Additional Details Icon
Location (from the street): Front yard Recommend leaf cleanup front yard and front flowerbed. Bag leaves and leave at curb.

Pro Recommendation for Yard And Flowerbed Cleaning

Location Icon
Location: Kaukauna, WI
Yard Size Icon
Yard Size: 6,004 square feet
Price Icon
Price: $73.17
Additional Details Icon
Location (from the street): Full yard Hey there! This quote provides a preseason full property spring cleanup. This includes a "Mow, Edge & Blow" service, garden bed maintenance and general debris removal. The goal of this spring cleanup is to properly prepare your property for the mowing season and to help it look it's best!

The Lawntrepreneur Scholarship

The Lawntrepreneur Scholarship is our way of giving back to the up and coming young entrepreneurs in the Kaukauna, WI area.

Top Kaukauna, WI Lawn Services of June 2024

The Luxury Landscape Company
Kaukauna, WI 54130
(12 Ratings)
The Luxury Landscape Company will bring lavish care to your lawn, keeping it manicured and well-maintained. A family-owned and operated business with over 40 years of experience, they serve Kaukauna and surrounding communities with lawn care services for both homes and businesses. Their services include mowing, weeding, fertilizing, and chemical applications. They also handle spring and fall cleanups, shrub trimming, and planting. Beyond lawn care, they also offer landscaping, hardscaping, and tree care services.
Roy Knott Trucking
Kaukauna, WI 54130
(36 Ratings)
Roy Knott Trucking offers different services to meet your needs, including lawn care. Based in Kaukauna and serving the Fox Valley area, they provide lawn mowing to keep your yard looking lively and refreshed. Additionally, they offer demolition and excavation services, covering both small and large-scale projects.
Sensible Lawn & Landscape Care
Kaukauna, WI
(71 Ratings)
Sensible Lawn & Landscape Care can mow, trim, edge, aerate, dethatch, and control weeds on your lawn to give it a lush and green appearance. They can also prune the trees in your yard. Sensible Lawn & Landscape Care serves homeowners and businesses in Kaukauna.
Bob & Dave's Lawn & Landscape
Kaukauna, WI 54130
(109 Ratings)
Bob and Dave's Lawn and Landscape offers a wide range of lawn care services to keep your outdoor space looking great in Kaukuna. The service includes lawn mowing, fertilization, weed control, lawn aeration, and spring and fall cleanups. On top of that, the company offers debris cleanup and construction, landscaping, tree and shrub care, perimeter insect control, mosquito control, and snow removal services. Bob and Dave’s Lawn and Landscape Maintenance proudly serves the entire state of Wisconsin.
Rose's Greenhouse and Lawn Care LLC
Kaukauna, WI
(94 Ratings)
Rose's Greenhouse and Lawn Care is a Kaukauna based company that offers commercial and residential services for lawn care and landscaping. Their services include mowing, edging, trimming, lawn rolling, dethatching, and aeration. They also offer spring and fall clean up to get rid of leaves and other debris from the ground.
JB Lawn Care
Kaukauna, WI
(56 Ratings)
JB Lawn Care will help you beautify your yard with their lawn care services. Serving home and business owners in Kaukauna and surrounding areas, they will regularly mow, trim, and edge to maintain your lawn. This locally owned and operated company also offers weed control and snow removal in the wintertime.
Vanderloop Landscaping
Kaukauna, WI 54130
(23 Ratings)
Looks great, thank you.
Landscape Construction Systems
Kaukauna, WI 54130
(114 Ratings)
Service quality still remains great, always spot on.
Curb Pros
Kaukauna, WI 54130
(107 Ratings)
Curb Pros offers lawn care services such as mowing and edging for both homes and businesses. Serving Kaukana and the surrounding areas, the company specializes in continuous, decorative concrete edging, offering an attractive border for landscapes. This concrete edging serves practical purposes by outlining flowerbeds, decks, and trees, acting as a barrier against weeds and grass.

Neighborhoods we service in Kaukauna, WI

Eagle Crt
Emery Lane
Evergreen Drive - Freedom Road
Harwood Road
Horseshoe Park
Lamplighter Apartments
North Kaukauna
Old Country Circlecle
Peters Road

Nearby Locations