Van Buren, AR lawn care service at the click of a button

The easy way to get lawn mowing and more from the top lawn pros in Van Buren.

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Why LawnStarter?

5 Minute Setup
View pricing, choose your options, and schedule service in 5 minutes or less.
Online Account Management
Payment, scheduling, feedback... all done through a convenient app.
All Services Covered
Lawn mowing, fertilization, bush trimming, weeding and more. We can do it all.
Fully Insured Professionals
You are covered. All LawnStarter pros are required to carry liability insurance.
Quality Service
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Hundreds of Raving Reviews
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Why LawnStarter?

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Lawn mowing, trimming, and edging. LawnStarter can do this Teh other guys can do this
Personalized service and quality results. LawnStarter can do this Teh other guys can do this
Offers fertilization, treatments, and cleanups. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Mobile app for ordering and payments. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Reliable scheduled service. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Customer support - phone, app, chat. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this
Change pros with the click of a button. LawnStarter can do this The other guys can't do this

Happy customers all over Van Buren

Lawn looks great! Cut short, weed whacked, concrete blown off, & no grass on the house. Excellent work!
I paid an outside company to cut my lawn, John did not do anything at my house, however I'm sure he does amazing work
Not only did Alejandro do an amazing job on our lawn care he offered to leaf blow our garage for us! He went above and beyond

Van Buren, AR - Jun 11, 2024
Local Lawn Care Facts & Resources

Lawn tip of the week

Did you know? There are approximately 50 million acres of grass in the United States. Approximately 21 million of those acres are in our front and back yards.

Popular Grass Types in Van Buren

Bermudagrass 100%

Grass Cutting Height Preferences

Long (6-7 inches) 4%
Medium (4-5 inches) 18%
Short (2-3 inches) 79%

Lawn Care Facts

Average Customer Review 4.8 / 5.0
Weekly Cuts 25%
Biweekly Cuts 52%
Monthly Cuts 23%
Lawns Fertilized 13%
Lawns with Leaf Removal 15%
Aerated Lawns 13%
Yards with Cleanups 10%
Days That Are Sunny 60%

Take your lawn on the go.

An app for lawn care, seriously? You betcha! Stay up‑to‑date on your lawn wherever you go.

LawnStarter's Mobile App

Hire the Best Lawn Care Service in Van Buren

Located on the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line with the Arkansas River forming the Southern boundary and Tornado Alley on its Eastern edge, Van Buren stays humid for most of the year.

And with humidity comes a lot of rainfall. Van Buren experiences warm springs, hot and humid summers with occasional thunderstorms, crisp falls, and unpredictable winters. All of which make maintaining a lawn a head-scratching job.

LawnStarter offers top-quality lawn care services. Our pros will mow, trim, edge, fertilize, and aerate, so your lawn stays healthy and happy despite the humid subtropical climate. They’ll also strengthen your lawn against pests and diseases.

Here’s what lawn maintenance in Van Buren looks like:

Best Grass Types for Van Buren

Van Buren lies in the transition zone. However, warm-season grasses grow best in its subtropical climate. Some homeowners overseed their lawns in the winter with a cool-season variety. Some well-adapted choices are:

  • Zoysiagrass: Creates an attractive, dense lawn that exhibits good heat tolerance.
  • Bermudagrass: This hardy warm-season grass is used all over Arkansas. It’s durable, drought- and heat-resistant, and grows quickly.
  • Fescues: These are cool-season varieties, such as tall fescue, creeping red fescue, or fine fescue are used for overseeding warm-season grasses for a green lawn year-round.
  • St. Augustine: Though not a popular choice for this region, St. Augustine does well in Van Buren lawns if given adequate water. It makes a great choice for shady lawns.

Recommended Mowing Frequency: Mow weekly from June to August and reduce mowing to every two weeks in September and October.

Common Lawn Pests and Diseases in Van Buren

With the subtropical Arkansas weather, lawn pests and diseases are nothing new. Let our pros shield your lawn from common lawn problems like:

  • Armyworms: Gobbling up grass blades, these caterpillars cause brown patches of dead grass. 
  • Chinch Bugs: These tiny, black bugs not only suck moisture from your grass blades but also restrict water absorption so there’s no chance of recovery. They leave a lawn yellowing and wilting.
  • Grubs: Root-feeding beetle larvae that live in soil, live off grassroots, and create dying, brown lawn patches.
  • Pythium Blight: Loves wet and warm lawns and creates slime, rapid browning, and water-soaked grass blades in the affected areas.
  • Brown Patch: A fungal disease that leaves circular patches of brown, dead grass on your green turf. 

Other Outdoor Services We Offer in Van Buren

LawnStarter does more than just grass upkeep. Our seasoned pros will make your Van Buren Lawn stand out with:

  • Tree and Bush Maintenance: Sharpen your lawn so its lushness is akin to the natural charm of Arkansas.
  • Lawn Fertilization: Healthy lawns are well-fed lawns. Give your Van Buren turf a nutrient boost annually.
  • Seasonal Clean-Up: Remove fallen leaves, debris, and weeds so your lawn can shine.
  • Weed Control: Don’t let wayward invaders ruin your Van Buren property, kick them out with proper weed control services.

Book a visit from a pro todayβ€”call, click, or download the LawnStarter app for your personalized quotes, and leave all the tricky lawn business to us so you can explore the uniqueness of the City With a Heart.

Meet some of our Van Buren pros

Trophy for Top Performer Top Performer
 Profile Photo
Award for Top
Top Pro
M&D Lawn Care
, Van Buren, AR
"Veteran-owned M&D Lawn Care provides home and business owners with weekly or bi-weekly lawn mowing, hedge trimming, small tree pruning and trimming, leaf removal, and cleanup services. Serving Cabot and surrounding areas, they also offer flower bed maintenance and mulching."
Trophy for In High Demand In High Demand
 Profile Photo
Award for Rising
Rising Star 2024
Walker Michael Landscapes
, Van Buren, AR 72956
"In the heart of Van Buren and its neighboring communities, Walker Michael Landscapes stands as a go-to option. With a comprehensive array of services, they expertly tackle lawn mowing, leaf removal, yard cleaning, precise bush trimming, and aeration. Additionally, they offer specialized landscaping services"
Trophy for Fast Response Fast Response
 Profile Photo
Award for Top
Top Pro
, Van Buren, AR
"Rob's Odd Jobs is a residential and commercial lawn care service with a variety of services for their customers. They do cleanup, mowing, trimming, aerations, mulching, and edging. They are able to perform small engine repair, construction, fencing and plumbing as well."

Recent Reviews

We encourage feedback from all customers to ensure we are delivering the best service possible.

Craig J.'s Lawn Maintenance service result
Craig J. - Apr 02, 2024 - Van Buren, AR
Lawn Maintenance by
Precision Lawn Care & Landscaping
Alex B.'s Lawn Service service result
"Tim's Trims is quick, thorough, communicative, and overall great. Highly recommend!"
Alex B. - Mar 30, 2024 - Van Buren, AR
Lawn Service by
Bagley Lawn Services
Wanda H.'s Lawn Service service result
"Outstanding. As usual."
Wanda H. - Mar 15, 2024 - Van Buren, AR
Lawn Service by
Independent Lawn and Landscape
Golden p. - Feb 17, 2024 - Van Buren, AR
Lawn Service by Aditya Lutz
Lawn & Yard Companyy
"Lawn looks great! Cut short, weed whacked, concrete blown off, & no grass on the house. Excellent work!"
David M. - Feb 17, 2024 - Van Buren, AR
Lawn Service by Aditya Lutz
Lawn & Yard Companyy
"I paid an outside company to cut my lawn, John did not do anything at my house, however I'm sure he does amazing work"
Eric G. - Feb 17, 2024 - Van Buren, AR
Lawn Mowing by Aditya Lutz
Lawn & Yard Companyy
"Excellent work and attention to detail. Best looking yard on cul-de-sac."
Shelley W. - Feb 17, 2024 - Van Buren, AR
"My lawn looks great!"
Janice S. - Feb 17, 2024 - Van Buren, AR
"Lawn looked great, thanks a bunch!"
Dracos L. - Feb 17, 2024 - Van Buren, AR
"What is the black plastic that is on the grown on the left side of the house for? Bushes were removed from that area."
Rose D. - Feb 17, 2024 - Van Buren, AR
"Well done. I do have a request: Please cut a bit higher ,it was cut way too short for the way I like . Thanks"
Helen M. - Feb 17, 2024 - Van Buren, AR
"Great lawn service!"
Fatima M. - Feb 17, 2024 - Van Buren, AR
"Excellent work and attention to detail. Best looking yard on cul-de-sac."
Shelley W. - Feb 17, 2024 - Van Buren, AR
Lawn Service
"Not only did Alejandro do an amazing job on our lawn care he offered to leaf blow our garage for us! He went above and beyond "
Marian M. - Jan 18, 2024 - Van Buren, AR
Lawn Mowing Service by Aditya Lutz (Lawn & Yard Companyy)
"Dwayne and his partner did an excellent job."
Paul W. - Jan 18, 2024 - Van Buren, AR
Lawn Mowing Service by Aditya Lutz (Lawn & Yard Companyy)
"I don't live in Nashville, so I did not see the lawn. My daughter lives there and reports that it looks good. Thanks!"
Joseph E. - Jan 18, 2024 - Van Buren, AR
Lawn Care
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Service Recommendations in Van Buren

LawnStarter pros will let you know what your lawn needs. Here are some recent recommendations for lawn care services in Van Buren, AR.

Pro Recommendation for Flower Bed Weeding

Location Icon
Location: Van Buren, AR
Yard Size Icon
Yard Size: 7,168 square feet
Price Icon
Price: $121.95
Additional Details Icon
Location (from the street): Full yard Weed any weeds around property to give a overall clean look

Pro Recommendation for Other Yard Maintenance

Location Icon
Location: Van Buren, AR
Yard Size Icon
Yard Size: 7,992 square feet
Price Icon
Price: $91.46
Additional Details Icon
Location (from the street): Back yard Haul away plastic storage building and bricks to landfill.

Pro Recommendation for Flower Bed Weeding

Location Icon
Location: Van Buren, AR
Yard Size Icon
Yard Size: 4,520 square feet
Price Icon
Price: $97.56
Additional Details Icon
Location (from the street): Full yard Spray weed control on cracks, flower beds , rocks and behind all obstruction..

The Lawntrepreneur Scholarship

The Lawntrepreneur Scholarship is our way of giving back to the up and coming young entrepreneurs in the Van Buren, AR area.

Top Van Buren, AR Lawn Services of June 2024

 Profile Photo
Precision Lawn Care & Landscaping
Van Buren, AR
Precision Lawn and Landscape will revive your yard in Van Buren with their lawn care services. They provide routine mowing, edging, trimming, dethatching, fertilizing, and cleanup services. They also help customers with landscaping and removing snow in the wintertime.
Recent Customer Review:
 Profile Photo
Independent Lawn and Landscape
Van Buren, AR 72956
Independent Lawn and Landscape is a full-service lawn care company that renders services to residential and commercial clients in Van Buren and its nearby areas. Their team of professionals provides tailored solutions for all kinds of lawn care services. Additionally, they render other services such as lawn mowing, aeration, tree care, and much more. They also also offer free estimates to clients.
Recent Customer Review:
"Outstanding. As usual."
 Profile Photo
Greens Keeper Lawn Care
Van Buren, AR
Get a lush, green, weed-free lawn with Greens Keeper Lawn Care. They mow with a professional-grade lightweight mower that won't tear up yards. They also trim all the areas on the property, including fences, around posts, trees, and curbs. Their trained technicians edge the sidewalks and driveways with a metal blade edger. Their services are available to homes and businesses in the Van Buren area.
 Profile Photo
West Termite, Pest & Lawn
Van Buren, AR
West Termite, Pest & Lawn in Van Buren keeps yards in top shape by fertilizing, removing weeds, protecting trees and shrubs from insects and diseases, core aerating, and overseeding. Their treatment programs are personalized and carried out on a bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. The company has over 30 years of industry experience and is locally owned and operated.
 Profile Photo
Greens Keeper Lawn Care
Van Buren, AR 72956
With over 15 years of experience, Greens Keeper Lawn Care is a professional company that provides lawn care services. The company renders lawn care services to residential and commercial properties in Van Buren and its nearby areas. They also provide additionally services such as lawn mowing, trimming, seeding, aeration, and much more. You can book an appointment for free estimates.
Bryan S. Profile Photo
Bryan S.
Simmons Lawn Care
Van Buren, AR
Simmons Lawn Care provides services to residential and commercial clients in Van Buren and the surrounding areas. Their services include regular lawn mowing, edging, trimming, fertilization, and blowing. They also offer irrigation systems installation services.
 Profile Photo
Bagley Lawn Services
Van Buren, AR 72956
Bagley Lawn Services is a locally owned and operated company providing lawn care services to communities in Van Buren and its surrounding areas. Since its inception, they have been providing all kinds of lawn care solutions to residential and commercial clients. They also offer more services, such as lawn mowing, trimming, and much more. Their professionals are fully licensed and insured. Additionally, they offer free estimates to clients.
Recent Customer Review:
"Tim's Trims is quick, thorough, communicative, and overall great. Highly recommend!"
 Profile Photo
Froud Lawn & Landscape
Van Buren, AR 72956
Are you in need of a professional in Van Buren or nearby areas to provide expert lawn care services? Froud Lawn and Landscape can serve as your comprehensive solution for lawn care services. The local business offers lawn care services to residential client, and it also provides additional services such as lawn mowing, and much more.
 Profile Photo
Pristine Lawn and Landscaping
Van Buren, AR 72956
Pristine Lawn and Landscaping stands as a local provider of expert lawn care and landscaping solutions in Van Buren and its environs. Specializing in mowing, leaf removal, cleanups, and trimming, they meticulously tend to every outdoor detail. Moreover, their team offers a comprehensive array of services including landscape designing, landscaping and hardscaping.
 Profile Photo
Walker Michael Landscapes
Van Buren, AR 72956
In the heart of Van Buren and its neighboring communities, Walker Michael Landscapes stands as a go-to option. With a comprehensive array of services, they expertly tackle lawn mowing, leaf removal, yard cleaning, precise bush trimming, and aeration. Additionally, they offer specialized landscaping services
 Profile Photo
West Termite, Pest & Lawn
Van Buren, AR 72956
West Termite, Pest and Lawn is a professional lawn care company serving Van Buren and neighboring areas. They offer a range of services including mowing, overseeding, seasonal cleanups, trimming, and fertilization. Additionally, their skilled team provides weed control as well as termite and pest control services to ensure the health and vitality of outdoor spaces.
 Profile Photo
Van Buren, AR
Rob's Odd Jobs is a residential and commercial lawn care service with a variety of services for their customers. They do cleanup, mowing, trimming, aerations, mulching, and edging. They are able to perform small engine repair, construction, fencing and plumbing as well.
 Profile Photo
C&T Outdoor Renaissance
Van Buren, AR
C&T Outdoor Renaissance helps beautify outdoor spaces with their basic lawn care services. Serving Van Buren and surrounding areas, they provide routine mowing, edging, and trimming. They also help customers with tree trimming and removal, landscaping, and storm cleanups.
 Profile Photo
M&D Lawn Care
Van Buren, AR
Veteran-owned M&D Lawn Care provides home and business owners with weekly or bi-weekly lawn mowing, hedge trimming, small tree pruning and trimming, leaf removal, and cleanup services. Serving Cabot and surrounding areas, they also offer flower bed maintenance and mulching.
 Profile Photo
Riverview Turfworks
Van Buren, AR 72956
Riverview Turfworks is a locally owned and operated company that works in Van Buren and surrounding communities. From expert mowing and precise leaf removal to seasonal cleanups and meticulous trimming, they ensure every outdoor space is immaculately maintained. Additionally, they offer sod installation, edging, hardscaping, mulching, irrigation, and landscape lighting services.
 Profile Photo
Turf & Pest Pro USA
Van Buren, AR 72956
For unparalleled lawn care services in Van Buren and neighboring communities, Turf and Pest Pro USA is your go-to choice. This company will fertilize your lawn and remove weeds. Beyond basic maintenance, their team also offers mosquito extermination, termite removal, and general pest control services. This fully licensed and insured company will work to ensure your yard area remains functional for all your outdoor activities.

Neighborhoods we service in Van Buren, AR

24th - Rudy
Azure Hills
Beverly Hills
Flat Rock Village
Heritage Hts East
Industrial and 40th
Kibler 40s
N Redbud Lane
North Hills
Oak Grove
Park Avenuenue
Park Heights
Pine Hollow - Big Pine Drive
Shady Lane & Lakewood
Shiloh Road
Sparklie Unicorn
Tom Dougan Drive
Van Buren stoneBrook

Nearby Locations