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Greensboro Lawn Care Facts & Resources
Be sure to cleanup after your dog before your lawn service comes.
Local lawn care resources
Popular Grass Types in Greensboro
Bermudagrass | 53% |
Tall Fescue | 24% |
Centipedegrass | 7% |
Zoysiagrass | 5% |
Kentucky Bluegrass | 4% |
Buffalograss | 4% |
Perennial Ryegrass | 3% |
Long (6-7 inches) | 4% |
Medium (4-5 inches) | 17% |
Short (2-3 inches) | 79% |
Lawn Care Facts
Average Yard Size | 8,017 sq ft |
Average Mowing Price | $52.59 |
Average Customer Review | 4.89 / 5.0 |
Weekly Cuts | 45.0% |
Biweekly Cuts | 9.0% |
Monthly Cuts | 46.0% |
Lawns Fertilized | 9.0% |
Lawns with Leaf Removal | 16.0% |
Aerated Lawns | 14.0% |
Yards with Cleanups | 9.0% |
Days That Are Sunny | 8% |
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Easy, Affordable Lawn Care Services in Greensboro
Greensboro has four distinct seasons. Due to fluctuating between warm and muggy summers and cold and snowy winters, growing and maintaining a lawn in this climate can be challenging. However, LawnStarter has the knowledge and experts you need to keep your lawn happy and healthy any time of the year.
The Most Common Grass Types in Greensboro: The five most common grass types in Greensboro are bermudagrass, tall fescue, centipedegrass, zoysiagrass, and Kentucky bluegrass.
When is the Best Time to Plant Grass: Warm-season grasses are best planted in late spring and early summer, whereas cool-season grasses are best seeded in early fall or early spring.
Spring Lawn Care Tips for Greensboro: Water in the early morning for best results, but don't overwater it. Mow every 4 to 7 days, but only mow for one-third of the grass' height. Apply fertilizer as early as late February. Use a core aerator in areas where water seems to form puddles, then rake the cores back onto the lawn to redistribute the present nutrients.
Fall Lawn Care Tips for Greensboro: Remove your leaves from your lawn once a week. Fertilize three times per year depending on if your grass is warm-season or cool-season - April, September, and November for cool-season grasses, and April, June, and September for warm-season grasses. Add amendments to your soil. Dethatch, aerate, and overseed cool-season grasses. Apply pre-emergent herbicides. Winterize your sprinkler system. Prep your lawn care equipment for storage - clean and sharpen mower blades, wipe down your equipment to remove dirt, empty your gas tank, and check and change the oil and air filter.
Common Lawn Pests: The most common lawn pests in Greensboro are earl bugs, lawn grubs, chinch bugs, fire ants, and mole crickets.
Common Lawn Diseases: There are more than 100 diseases that affect turfgrasses, three examples being fairy ring disease, brown patch, and pink snow mold. If you need clarification about what to do, LawnStarter's pros are experts at identifying and treating lawn diseases.
How LawnStarter Can Take Care of Your Lawn: LawnStarter provides an exhausting list of lawn-care services, such as lawn maintenance, landscaping, weed removal, aeration, fertilization, overseeding, and lawn pest control.
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Greensboro, NC Top 3 Lawn Care Pros

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LawnStarter pros will let you know what your lawn needs. Here are some recent recommendations for lawn care services in Greensboro, NC.
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